comparison principle
A comparison principle is given so that the existence of periodic solutions to the system =φ(y),=-h(x,y)φ(y)-g(x) can be obtained by means of the existence of periodic solutions to the system =φ(y),=-f(x)φ(y)-g(x).
This is done using the comparison principle and establishing iteration schemes involving positive solutions supremum and infimum.
Adopting the comparison principle and the theory of existence, the initial and boundary conditions of reaction-diffusion systems with time delays are dealt with to obtain the sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions and global asymptotic stability of a positive steady-state solution.
By using the comparison theorem of differential equation,sufficient conditions which guarantee the permanence of the three-species food chain system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response are obtained.
By comparing differential inequalities with comparison theorem, the conditions which guarantee the system to be persist are obtained; further, based on these conditions, effects of diffusion on the population dynamical behavior are analyzed.
The present paper presents some comparison theorems on a class of quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations and by means of the results obtained in this paper a theorem on the strict monotonicity of generalized solutions is proved.
建立一类拟线性退缩抛物方程的比较原理 ,用其证明了广义解的某种严格单调
Using a frequence equivalence method and the comparison principle of neutral type linear discrete system with non-integral delays, it is presented that the stabilization of large-scale neutral type linear time-varing discrete control systems with non-integral delays can be implied by the stabilization of linear time-invarite discrete control systems which have not delays.
In order to investigate the instability of a class of linear time-varying systems with multidelays,the comparison principle with the vector Lyapunov function is employed.
By the comparison principle and the property of solution to the Bernouli′s equation,the papershows that for arbitrary p>1,q>0 and the certain assumption u_0 ,there exists a λ>0 such that λ∈(0,λ],the solutions of(1) do not blow up in ime.
The Comparison Principle of the Rational Multidelays Neutral Type Discrete Systems;
The Research on Stability and Stabilization of Large-scale Systems Based on Comparison Principle Theory;
A Comparative Archetypal Analysis of the Hobbit and Journey to the West;
Reconsideration on the Theory of Comparative Advantage--Comment on Utopia Character about This Theory;
A Comparison Between Optimality-Theoretic Syntax and the Principles-and-Parameters Theory;
Brief Analysis of Principles and Methods on Comparative Therapeutics
The Principle of Comparative Advantage and the Optimization of Labor Force Deployment
Higher-speed connectivity is fundamental here.
Computational Comparison of Revelation Principle Based on Mechanism Truth;
Comparison of Euthanasia Legislation and Preliminary Study on Euthanasia s Principles of Legislation;
Comparative Education Research and Originality of Education Theory in China;
The Principles and Progress of Analog-to-Digital Converter and Digital-to-Analog Converter;
A Comparison of Sufficient and Necessary Conditions and Prototypic Theory in Semantic Analysis;
The Comparison of the Educational views in Xueji and The Principles of Oratory;
Comparison Analysis of Land Readjustment in Plain Region and Mound Region
The Principle and Comparison of Vessel Testing Method on Test Concrete Aggregating;
A Comparative Study of the Rule of Reasonableness and the Principle of Proportionality;
Comparison Research on Allergen of Children Asthma and Relative Nursing
- sample covariance matrices
- hereditarily enumerable set
- unconditionally convergent
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- back substitution
- compensation function
- extended predicate calculus
- right pyramid
- acceptance number
- Chern class
- estimator
- uniformity
- real unitary space
- coplanar
- double chain complex
- series expansion
- goniometry
- bracket
- similar representation
- ordered relation