primitive element
The paper has proved the following generalized Golomb conjecture:if GF(q)is a finitc field and a,b,θ,are three nonzero elements,then there are two primitive roots x and y such that ax+by=θ for sufficiently large q.
本文验证了广义 Golomb 猜想成立,即对于充分大的素数幂 q,GF(q)上的线性方程 ax+by=θ有一对本原元解,其中 a,b 和θ均为 GF(q)中的非0元素。
,power algorithm in finite fields,algorithm finding period(order) of matrix mod p,algorithm finding primitive element in finite fields.
In this paper it is shown that his result is a special case of a much more gen- eral one which states that each of d-th power residues has at least one of representations of the form aξ+b where ξ is a primitive element.
设 GF(g)为一有限域,a 和 b 为域中单位,柯亨曾证明:除去有限个q的例外值,GF(q)中存在本原元ξ使得 aξ+b 可表示一个非零的三次幂剩余。
It is the premise of solving the problem about code sequences and searching the primitive elements can come down to searching primitive polynomial.
Focusing on Chinese traditional garden, this article combine with art theory and image to anlysis the basic elements, space arrangment , form and ambience of Chinese traditional garden and discuss the way to apply these into contemporary desig
Researching omposition designed, Researching effect of basic element, trace element on phroelectricity function, fairly good researching thermocouple alloy of aviation engine warning device.
Searching Primitive Elements of Finite Fields with VC++ Programs and Its Applications
Primitiveness of Character Triples and X-Nilpotent Group;
Meta-firm,essential firm and the atom-model of firm;
Quasi-Coxeter Elements of Primitive Complex Reflection Groups and Their Conjugacy Classes
On the Existence Conditions of Primitive Pythagoras Triplet
In Chinese, YUAN means The Origin, which can also mean Original or Authentic; PIN means Taste. So, YUAN PING means The Authentic Original Taste.
Oil briefly rose above 99 US dollars per barrel for the first time on Wednesday as the greenback's fall drove demand for dollar-denominated crude.
Sold some plant assets, the price is $100, the original cost is $40, the accumulated depreciation is $20.
销售厂房类资产,售价为100, 原始成本为40美元,累计折旧为20美元
Sold long-term government bonds, the price is $20, and the cost is $2.
Between 1950 and 1956, he grew his $9,800 kitty to $14,000.
在1950到1956年期间, 他的原始资本积累由9800美元升至14万美元。
To use the same example, you initially put $60 in savings (60%) and $40 in stocks (40%).
"An error occurred while restoring the Local Users and Groups snap-in settings.
The principle of3 D elasto-viscoplastic block element method is introduced.
Afforestation in multi-form is the fundamental way to develop raw material forest;
Shi Guoqi s Success and Failure in Changing Yuan s Original Work in His Explanatory Notes to the Collection of Yuan Hao-wen s Poems;
Correlations of Beijing Opera “Wangjiangting” with Yuan Type Drama;
On the Characteristics and Formation Causes of the Female Spirite s Image in Songyuan Huaben Fiction;
A Method of Semi-Finished Ontology Extraction from Tuples of Relational Table
- extended predicate calculus
- compensation function
- back substitution
- coplanar
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- right pyramid
- similar representation
- hereditarily enumerable set
- sample covariance matrices
- double chain complex
- estimator
- uniformity
- unconditionally convergent
- acceptance number
- bracket
- real unitary space
- Chern class
- series expansion
- goniometry
- ordered relation