primitive character
In the combination with the author s competition practice ,this article presents some discussions about the essence of architecture and the connotation of architect vocation , and expresses ideas and puzzles of young scholars .
The word " essence" stemmed from philosophy in ancient Greece of the discccssion on the beginnings of all matters which consisted of the essential conponents.
The "Origin" of Architecture and the Dissolution of Form;
Enterprise Morality:The Origin and the Foundation of Competitive Advantage of the Enterprise;
On human nature of the origin of human rights;
The flag-transitive and primitive automorphism groups of ( v, k ,3)- symmetric designs;
The primitive sign pattern matrices with the largest generalized base is characterized,and it is shown that the bound on the generalized base of imprimitive irreducible sign pattern matrices given by Shao and You is sharp.
Relations between each and the others, the primitive abundant 0 -■-simple semigroups and the other conditions are explored.
Why Thales thought water is arche;
The core of the whole principle system of ancient Greek philosophy is to probe into the arche of all things,around which one route is opened from material aspect,the other,from non-material aspect or a aspect regarded as form.
Theories of the world s arche only belong to the old philosophy.
世界本原说是旧哲学的哲学理论 ,在马克思主义哲学看来 ,世界无本原可言 ;恩格斯使用“本原”一词的视角及含义与旧哲学的世界本原说有着本质的区别 ,“世界本原”的提法不符合恩格斯的本意 ;“世界本原是物质”这一命题在理论上存在着一些困境 ,这一命题只能是一个旧唯物主义的命
Classical philosophy separated principle from essence.
As soon as philosophy came into being in ancient Greece was the problem of principle put forward and inquired.
This paper makes an analysis of the theories of the principle of rights, discusses the superficial and deeper principles of rights, reveals the materialism and the cognitive levels of the principle of rights, and reaches the conclusion about the principle of rights that "the subject is capable of enjoying the freedom of obtaining fortune".
Engineering project management and its basic principles;
From quantum mechanics and relativity to the basic principles of physics and development of the Noether s theorem;
On Basic Principles of Civil Adversarial Procedure;
Study on construction basic principle of harbor in the Three Gorges reservoir;
The basic principle of disposition design about structure crossing over river above the navigable river;
The basic principle of manufacturing line management in semiconductor enterprise;
- double chain complex
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- Chern class
- similar representation
- compensation function
- back substitution
- extended predicate calculus
- real unitary space
- right pyramid
- unconditionally convergent
- hereditarily enumerable set
- uniformity
- acceptance number
- ordered relation
- series expansion
- bracket
- coplanar
- sample covariance matrices
- estimator
- goniometry