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conformal mapping



1)conformal mapping,保角素示2)conformal representation,保角素示3)conform,保角4)conformal transformation,保角变换5)conformal mapping,保角变换6)conformal transform,保角变涣7)conformal operator,保角算子8)conformal transformation,保角度换9)conformal identification,保角粘合10)conformal mapping,保角映射


The use of elementary geometry method can give conformal demonstration of lineal function in infinite eigenvector.


Analysis of the slot effect of high speed brushless PM motors based on numerical conformal transformation;


Its analytic solution is obtained by multiple conformal transformations including elliptical functions,and the pressure and streamline distributions and the well flow rate are presented for the flow field.


Under the condition of the steady flow, by means of conformal transformation, the authors derive a production formula of a horizontal well in the center of a reser.

文中在保证地层内具有稳定流动的基础上 ,利用保角变换对顶底不渗透油藏中心有一口水平井的产量公式进行了重新推导 ,给出了水平井产量公式的修正公式 ,并且利用等值渗流阻力法进行了解

Calculation of the capacitance per unit length of an eccentric cable by conformal mapping;


Conformal mapping finite difference method for analyzinga novel family of elliptic function waveguides;


A MoM calculation of the lowest cutoff frequencies of uniform waveguides by conformal mapping;


Applying the method of conformal identification and singular integral equation method,we obtained the solvability results of the Carleman boundary value problem for bianalytic function in bounded domain.

由双解析函数的积分表示 ,利用奇异积分方程方法和保角粘合方法 ,解决了有界区域上双解析函数的Carleman边值问

According to the nonhomogeneous anisotropic elastis theory and the complex function theory,the accurate boundary conditions of the composite material plate with a rectangle hole were founded and the boundary condition problems of complex holes were settled by the conformal mapping method.


Corresponding mathematics model was developed, hole-edge stress analysis on composite material plate with multiform holes was carried out, accurate boundary conditions was founded by conformal mapping method, boundary problems of the two stress functions could be treated by affine transformation in the same way synchronously.


By using conformal mapping technique ,we are able to solve the curved crack problems.

复变函数保角映射方法作为一种成熟的求解方法广泛用在各向同性材料的弹性力学问题中 ,复变函数的保角映射方法有许多优点 ,可以省去繁琐的偏微分方程的求解过程 ,还可以用来求解形状复杂的孔口问题。