adjoint exponential transformation method
This paper puts forward the character of adjoint transformation on linear tranformation and studies the reation between transformation.
The adjoint transformation is a generalized one of the symmetry transformation in Euclid space.
The direct differentiation method and adjoint variable method for sensitivity analysis based on general objective functions and kinematical algebraic equations,ordinary differential equations of motion and differential/algebraic equations of motion are presented,which link the analysis of mltibody system dynamics and optimization of these systems.
The adjoint variable method for design sensitivity analysis of multibody system dynamics based on ordinary differential equations is presented.
The direct differentiation method and adjoint variable method for dynamics of multibody systems were presented, based on the generic formulation of implicit differential/algebraic equations with implicit initial conditions and generic end time conditions.
A concept of adjoint vector of grads vector is proposed and a variational adjoint method is developed to calculate the grades vector for the parameter back analysis.
The variational adjoint method in combination with Tikhonov regularization principle is applied to retrieve the initial gas concentrations and reaction rates in chemical reactions about ozone destroying in the stratosphere.
In this paper, parameters retrieval about GEM model of the atmospheric boundary layer is studied based on the variational adjoint method in combination with the regularization principle.
By using the adjoint method to calculate the gradient of the object function and then to solve the optimal problem, the theoretical formulation is constructed.
应用伴随方法计算目标函数的梯度以求解优化问题 ,给出了理论框架 ,进行了数值试验。
This paper presents a brief overview of some of the recent advances in aerodynamic shape design and optimization, the continuous adjoint method based on Navier Stokes equations is employed to achieve the airfoil optimal design.
本文简要回顾了气动优化设计的最新发展 ,并采用连续伴随方法对粘性条件下的翼型气动外形进行了优化设计。
Based on the variational adjoint methods in comhination with regularization methods,a new method of single-Doppler wind retrieval is proposed.
Research on the adjoint transformation of G_m-C filter from voltage-mode into current-mode circuit
Dynamics Theory and Application Research of Chained Multibody System Based on the Representation of Adjoint Operator
the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining).
a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value.
A Strong Invariance Principle for Negatively Associated Gaussian Sequences
The mechanical creep in photoelastic models is accompanied by a variation with time of the optical effects.
"Chaneleon Nails"At The Click of a Switch
But computer networks along with a new family of viruses called macro viruses are changing all that.
A reddening of the skin, as with fever, emotion, or exertion.
The Parallel Computing of Adjoint Models of Variational Data Assimilation in Numerical Weather Forecasting;
The Grammaticalization of With--A Discussion on the Pattern of Change in English and Chinese Comitative Prepositions;
Equilibtium Analysis of Influence on Endogenous Technilogical Change is Accompnying Input Substitution(Ⅱ);
Influence on Endogenous Technological Change in Accompanying Input Substitution(Ⅰ);
Grain boundary sliding in compressed olivine aggregates.
an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with related problems; snags incidental to the changeover in management.
Something, such as a situation, that accompanies something else; a concomitant.
And our clothing needs to change with the seasons.
A Class of Random Deviation Theorems and the Approach of Laplace Transform;
- sample covariance matrices
- compensation function
- acceptance number
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- bracket
- estimator
- series expansion
- similar representation
- double chain complex
- hereditarily enumerable set
- unconditionally convergent
- Chern class
- real unitary space
- right pyramid
- coplanar
- uniformity
- goniometry
- back substitution
- ordered relation
- extended predicate calculus