saddle-point method
At last, we calculate the radiation pattern with the saddle-point method.
The center-weak focus of a general system of degree “n” was transformed into a problem of generalized center-weak saddle.
A problem of center-weak focus system of degree n(n denotes odd numbers) in qualitative theory of differential equation is transformed into the problem of generalized center-weak saddle system by a generalized transformation of generalized polar coordinates,which offers the calculation formula of eleven-order weak saddle values.
We discuss the types of the equilibrium points,Hopf bifurcation,saddle separate relation place.
Incomplete Lagrange function and saddle point optimality criteria fora class of nondifferentiable generalized fractional programming;
Existence of the saddle points under the weak continuity;
It will present consistency of saddle point with Nash equilibrium,and prove the corresponding theorems.
During the definition of new saddle point,x0∈V is not needed,so the new saddle-point optimality condition is obtained in this paper.
The saddle-point type optimality criteria are also proven by using the existing necessary conditions under the assumption of the class of(F,α,ρ,d)-convexity.
For a class of generalized fractional programming whose objective function is composed of infinite fractions,the saddle-point type optimality criteria are proven by using the existing necessary conditions,under the assumption of the class of B-(p,r)-invexity.
In the framework of locally convex topological vector space,the scalarization theorem,Kuhn-Tucker conditions as well as the duality theorem and the saddle points theorem on Henig proper efficient solutions with respect to the base for vector optimization involving arcwise connected convex maps are established separately.
We establish a Lagrange multiplier theorem for strict efficiency in convex settings and express strict points as saddle points of an appropriate Lagrangian function.
Research on saddlepoint programming and geometric error evaluation;
The Conjugate Lagrangian Function and Its Saddlepoint of a Programming in a Banach Space;
- extended predicate calculus
- ordered relation
- right pyramid
- sample covariance matrices
- Chern class
- unconditionally convergent
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- compensation function
- estimator
- uniformity
- double chain complex
- acceptance number
- similar representation
- coplanar
- goniometry
- real unitary space
- series expansion
- bracket
- back substitution
- hereditarily enumerable set