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p adic valuation



1)p adic valuation,p进赋值2)exponential p adic valuation,指数p进赋值3)p-adic valuation,p-adic赋值4)p-adic valuation,p-adic赋值理论5)p-adic exponential evalution,p-adic指数赋值6)improved A-P Value method,改进A-P值法


We obtain good bounds for the p-adic valuations of thecoefficients of the universal divided Bernoulli number ((B|^)_n)/n when n is divisible by p?1.

当n被p ? 1整除时,我们得到了泛可除Bernoulli数((B|^)_n)/n的系数的p-adic赋值的很好的估计。

This paper applies the p-adic valuations of the coefficients of universal divided Bernoulli number ■n /n when n is divisible by p-1,and gives a simple proof of the congruence of universal Bernoulli number ■n/n.

文章运用p-adic赋值理论给出了泛可除Bernoulli数■n/n的系数τu的p-adic赋值的界,从而证明了泛von Staudt定理中一个同余式的简化证明。

This paper applies the p-adic valuations theory of the coefficients of the universal divided Bernoulli numbers B∧n/n when n is divisible by p-1,and obtains a simplified proof congruences in universal von Staudt theorem.

运用p-adic赋值理论给出了泛可除Bernoulli数∧Bn/n的系数τu的p-adic赋值的界,从而给出了泛von Staudt定理中部分同余式的简化证明。