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function of class C0

基本解释C0 类函数


1)function of class C0,C0 类函数2)c 0-multiplier convergence,c0-乘数收敛3)two-parameter C_0 semigroup,双参数C0半群4)C0-C0,C0-C0轴式5)C0 group,C0群6)C_0 group,C0群


In order to enrich the theory of semigroups,classical methods in operator semigroups theory and definition of two-parameter C_0 semigroups are introduced,and some of one-parameter C_0 semigroups properties are generalized to get some properties of two parameter C_0 semigroups.


It proves the transport operator generates a strongly continuous group and the compactness properties of the second-order remained term of the Dyson-Phillips expansion for the C0 group, and to obtain the spectrum of the transport operator only consist of finite isolated eigenvalue which has a finite algebraic multiplicity in trip ?, a.


It proves the transport operator generates a C_0 group and the second-order remained term of the Dyson-Phillips expansion for the C_0 group is compact in L~p(1<p<∞) space and weakly compact in L~1 space,and to obtain the spectrum of the transport operator only consist of finite isolated eigenvalue which have a finite algebra.

在Lp(1 p<∞)空间研究了板模型中具周期边界条件下各向异性、连续能量、均匀介质的迁移算子的谱,证明了:这类迁移算子产生C0群的Dyson—Phillips展开式的二阶余项在Lp(1