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minimum deviation



1)minimum deviation,最小偏向2)deviation,minimum,最小偏向3)minimum deviation angle,最小偏向角4)least deflection angle,最小偏向角5)angle of minimum deviation,最小偏向角6)least deviation angle,最小偏向角7)the least deflection angle,最小偏向角8)minimum angle of deviation,最小偏向角9)the method of minimum deviation angle,最小偏向角法10)minimum deviation grating,最小偏向光栅


This paper gave the calculation formula of minimum deviation angle of a prism and the curved relation line of minimum deviation angle varying with wave length of entrance light.

本文给出了棱镜最小偏向角的计算公式 ,最小偏向角随入射光波长变化的关系曲线。

The principle is based on the minimum deviation angle.


A new method to calculate refractive index by measuring the three least deflection angles of three vertex angles of a prism was presented.


The dispersion relation of dense flint ZF6 prism was measured by using the method of angle of minimum deviation.

采用最小偏向角法对重火石玻璃棱镜的色散关系进行测量,并利用Microcal Origin软件进行非线性拟合得到色散方程。

This paper introduces a method of finding the state of precise minimum deviation,measureing the angle of minimum deviation by spectrometer.

介绍了用分光计如何来精确地确定单色光透过三棱镜后的最小偏向状态 ,及最小偏向角的测量方法。

This paper discussed the phenomenon of least deviation angle of grating fringe and the revelant principle,put forward a method of using least deviation angle to measure the wavelength and grating constant.


This paper discussed the phenomenon of least deviation angle of grating fringe and the responsible principle,put forward a method of measuring the wavelength and grating constant by the least deviation angle.


This paper derived the formula explaining the phenomenon of least deviation angle of grating fringe,and precisely measured the wavelength.


In this article, the author summarizes the methods to adjust the spectrometer and find the least deflection angle quickly.

文章阐述了在物理实验教学实践中总结出的快速调节分光计和快速找到三棱镜最小偏向角的方法 ,提高了物理实验课的效率和教学质

The method to measure the refraction rate of liquids by using the least deflection angle is introduced and analyzed in this paper.

介绍一种利用分光计及自制盛液“三棱杯” ,采用最小偏向角法测量液体折射率的方法 ,并对该法进行了分析和讨

In this paper we have point out the error of principle formula quoted by all literatures at home and abroad to measure the refractive angle and the method of V-prism, derive from beginning the right formula of measuring refractive index by the method of minimum deviation angle and the method of V-prism.
