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c quark

基本解释c 夸克


1)c quark,c 夸克2)charm quark,c 夸克3)c quark,c夸克4)Quark,夸克5)quarks,夸克6)quark-quark-antiquark scattering,夸克-夸克-反夸克散射7)quark-diquark model,夸克-双夸克模型8)quark-antiquark pair,夸克-反夸克对9)quark distribution,夸克分布10)Quark model,夸克模型


Study on screening of rennet in Quark procession;


It is the spin of the quarks and precession of quarks-system caused byspin and electromagnetic-weak forces that keeps the particle world stable.


According to the relationship between the strong interaction force range and strong coupling constant among quarks in a hadron,a brief computational method on the pocket radius of a hadron is given in this paper .

根据夸克间的强作用力程随强跑动耦合常数的变化关系 ,给出了强子口袋半径的一种简明的计算方

Taking linear confining interaction as well as one-gluon-exchange as the mediating coupling,the authors dedrive the coupling potential between quark and quark-antiquark pair,which will be useful to consider the coupling between two and four quark states.


Based on the spin-dependent quark distribution,the spin-dependent proton structure function in the large x region is presented in the paper.


Taking into account SU(6) symmetrical broken and the correction from PQCD predictions,the paper,with the aid of the quark-diquark picture,from Cappela s proton structure model,extracts a spin-correlation quark distribution with more explicit physical significance.


Based on the quark model, the Q 2 evolution of the nucleon spin structure functions in the small Q 2 region is calculated.

利用夸克模型计算了核子的自旋相关结构函数随Q2 的依赖关系 。

The energies of the low-lying isoscalar and isovector ud■ configurations with spin-parity J~P=0~+, 1~+,and 2~+ are calculated in the chiral SU(3) quark model and the extended chiral SU(3) quark model by using the variational method.


We study the decay widths of the narrow resonances D*sj(2317) and Dsj(2460) in the chiral quark model, together with the well-known D* and D*s mesons.
