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Bow Tie Antennas



1)Bow Tie Antennas,碟形天线2)dishing,碟形3)belleville spring,碟形弹簧4)disc spring,碟形弹簧5)saucer wheel,碟形砂轮6)disc-like floating zone,碟形浮区


The major problem in Cu CMP is dishing, serious dishing will cause the procduct yield loss.


The sur-face defects such as dishing, erosion can reduce the thickness of copper interconnection and en-large electrical resistance, reduce both the performance and the reliability of device, further influ-ence WIWUN which cause imprecise pattern transfer in the multi-layer interconnect.


Over the structure and process analysis to car-used ABS shell, using belleville spring to do four sides core-drawing to the products within the cylinder surface, the mold structure is simple and close, stable and reliable proved by production, the effect is remarkable, and it can be referenced by similar injection mold products.


Research and manufacture of pneumatic control disc spring safety valve;


The deign and machining of the key components of this shock absorber is introduced,including the surface treatment of the spline mandrel,the design of disc spring and connecting housing,and the configuration of sealing and bearing.


Based on the analysis of the pressing technology of disc springs, the CAD system method for the dies and moulds with disc springs was developed on the AutoCAD R14 platform by using Visual C+ +6.

在分析碟形弹簧冲压工艺的基础上 ,利用VisualC+ + 6。

A novel dresser of saucer superabrasives wheel is introduced,which is used for truing and dressing major diameter saucer wheel with poor rigidity by SiC cup wheel and diamond cup wheel.
