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WBVR color system

基本解释WBVR 颜色系统


1)WBVR color system,WBVR 颜色系统2)color system,颜色系统3)RQPNMLK color system,RQPNMLK 颜色系统4)VBLUW color system,VBLUW 颜色系统5)HVC,HVC颜色系统6)Munsell color system,Munsell颜色系统


By the color patches of medium lightness and chroma of Munsell color system,experiments were made with 34 pairs for lightness and 25 pairs for chroma altering of 5R,5Y,5G,and 5B separately,and then got a serial of new weight functions.

为了对CIEDE2000色差公式计算中等色差时的权重函数SL,SC进行修正,使计算结果与人眼的视觉感觉相一致,选用了孟塞尔(Munsell)颜色系统中的中等明度和中等彩度色块,在5R、5Y、5G、5B 4个主色调的颜色区域分别改变明度和彩度进行计算,改变彩度时共有34对样品,改变明度时共有25对样品,得到新的修正系数。

Applying the principle of linear transformation between color systems,correcting measure values relatively to measure reference,the mutual comparison between measure values is improved.


In this experiment, CIE 1976 L*a*b*,CMC and CIEDE2000 color difference formulae are checked and compared making use of thecharacteristic of Munsell color system, which its samples nearby are of equal perceived color differenceand the Munsell hue, chroma and value can b.
