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1)birefractive,重折的2)birefringent,重折的3)birefringence,重折率4)refolding,重折叠5)refolder,重折叠器6)Refolding renaturation,重折叠复性7)in vitro refolding,体外重折叠8)double fold points,双重折叠点9)oxidative refolding,氧化重折叠10)birefracting,birefringent,双重折射的


The method used in determing stress of glassy coats by the birefringence of polaring microscope is a very simple and correct method, because the expansion coefficience between glassy coat and un-glassy bottom is different and stress must occur.


This paper discusses how to discriminate the types of the crystalline phase change using the method of the birefringence.


The refolding reaction of human group Ⅹ phospholipase A2 in vitro was depended on temperature, pH and protein concentration.

用以前适用于人胰型(IB 型) 磷脂酶A2 的稀释重折叠方法,并不能使它有效重折叠。

After solubilization, active proteins can be generated through an appropriate refolding process.

包涵体富含表达的重组蛋白 ,经分离、变性溶解后须再经过一个合适的复性过程实现变性蛋白的重折叠 ,才能够得到生物活性蛋白。

The differences in the in vitro refolding, oxidation of free thiol groups, circular dichroism (CD) spectra, antibody and receptor binding assays, and sensitivity to tryptic digestion between the mutant and the wild type proteins were studied.

为研究A7 B7二硫键在胰岛素原结构和折叠中的作用 ,构建了A7 B7二硫键缺失的胰岛素原突变体 ,研究了其与野生型胰岛素原在体外重折叠产率、自由巯基氧化速度、CD谱、受体及抗体结合活性 ,以及对胰蛋白酶酶切敏感性的差别。

The present paper covers the Hopf points bifurcating from double fold points, and gives some computable nondegeneracy conditions and stability conditions of these Hopf points.


The mechanism of oxidative refolding of proteins was elucidated in more detail from the intensive and extensive studies in the past decades.

经过近几十年来广泛而深入的研究 ,蛋白质氧化重折叠的机制已得到相当详细的阐明。