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bog system



1)bog system,沼泽系2)mire system,沼泽系3)muskeg,沼泽;沼泽地;沼泽4)swamp,沼泽5)marsh,沼泽6)mire,沼泽7)fen,沼泽8)moor,沼泽9)turfary,沼泽10)quagmire,沼泽


Method on Exploding and Digging of Frozen Soil for Pipeline Ditch in Swamp;


A study on composition structure and species diversity in ecotones between forest and swamp;


On Ecotones between Forest and Swamp in Baihe Region of Changbai Mountain;


The organic petrologic study of Yanchang coal and carbonaceous shale of Ansai oilfield in Ordos basin indicates that the macroscopic petrologic characteristic, maceral and composite relation of the biogenic rock as well as the occurrence of organic matter can be used to better reveal the marsh paleo-geographic environment and depositional site originated by the coal and carbonaceous shale.


, freezing cold and oxygen deficiency, a monitoring plan and monitoring method was raised for the stabilization of subgrade in marshy frozen soil sloped wet land.

针对青藏铁路安多试验段高寒、缺氧的具体情况 ,提出冻土沼泽化斜坡湿地路基稳定性的监测方案和监测方法 ,在测试元件埋设方面 ,对测斜管的埋设提出具体的要求。

The study on the profile distribution and accumulation characteristics of organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) in two typical marshes in Sanjiang Plain showed that on the sediment profiles of Carex lasiocarpa marsh and Phragmites communis marsh, there existed distinct deposition horizon and illuviation horizon.


Influence of Human Activities on the Mire in Zoige Plateau and Countermeasure;


The study on the relationship between global warming and mire ecological system is reviewed from three aspects: ① the global warming is absoluteness;② the mire are both sources and sinks of the major trace gases,and contribute a great deal to the global warming;③ global warming will affect the area extent and distribution of mire,change scenarios and the cycling of carbon in mire.


The comprehensive classification system of mire (CCSM) is based on the single element classification of mire, therefore it is a more complex and higher classification of mire.
