fusarium root rot of maize
Effect of potassium chloride on phenolic metabolism in resistant response to corn stalk rot;
The relationship between different application amounts of potash fertilizer and the incidence of corn stalk rot was studied.
The experiment of influence of pH value on pathogens of corn stalk rot was conducted in laboratory.
通过不同 pH值PDA培养基对玉米茎腐病 3种主要病原菌肿囊腐霉菌、禾生腐霉菌、禾谷镰刀菌生长影响的试验 ,测定了 3种病原菌适宜生长的酸碱度范围。
105 fungal strains were isolated maize stalk rot samples in Jiangsu Province.
作者于1992~1995年,从江苏省玉米主产区采集的玉米茎腐病标样中分离获得105个菌株,经鉴定,致病菌种类有肿囊腐霉(Pythium inflatum)、禾生腐霉(P。
maize ear rot has been the most important disease of the world,which is caused by Fusarium graminearu and other fungis.
Field Trials on the Control of Acladium tenellum;
Study on the Mechnism of Potassium Chloride Supressing Stalk Rot of Maize;
Study on Mechanism of Corn Variety Resistance to Corn Stalk Rot Caused by Fusarium Graminearum;
玉米对镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)茎腐病抗性机制研究
Relationship and Control of Fusarium Stalk Rot, Ear Rot and Seedling Root Rot in Maize;
Tagging and Mapping of Maize (Zea mays L.) Stalk Rot Resistance Gene (caused by Pythium inflatum Malthews) with Molecular Markers;
Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Potassium Nutrition to Improve Maize (Zea Mays L.) Resistance to Stalk Rot
钾素提高玉米(Zea mays L.)茎腐病抗性的营养与分子生理机制
Preliminary Report of Studying on Preventing Ear and Kernel Rot of Line 478 Crosses
ear rot:any of various fungus diseases of corn characterized by decay and molding of the ears.
Study on Biological Characteristics of Fusarium Moniliforme Related to Corn Ear Rot and Disease Resistance of Corn;
Causes and Prevention Ways in top rot of corn
The stalk or stem of a corn plant.
Inheritance of Resistance to Fusarium Moniliforme Ear Rot in Maize by Near Isogenic Lines;
QTL Mapping for Resistance to Furasium Moniliforme Ear Rot Using Recombinant Inbred Lines in Maize
Inheritance of Resistance to Furasium Moniliforme Kernel and Cob Rot in Maize
Analysis of genetic diversity of maize resistance to Fusarium subglutinans and its use in maize top-rot disease control
Identification and Evaluation of Long-rhizomes Maize Inbred Lines and Populations Head Smut Resistance
The Relationship between the Damage by Asian Corn Borer, Ostrinia Furnacalis (Guenée), and the Occurrence of Corn Ear Rot and the Accumulation of Mycotoxin in Kernels During the Development Stages of Corn Ear in North China;
The Analysis of Corn Varieties and Climatic Factors for the Yield Loss Caused by Ear Rot Disease
Determination of Phenolic Acids in Decomposing Products of Maize Straw and their Allelopathy on Pathogens of Wheat Soil-borne Disease
- onion thrips
- potassium bicarbonate fertilizer
- Tomato brown leaf spot
- rangeregion
- ammonium nitrate limestone
- fruit crusher
- ribonucleoside
- antibiotic pesticide
- Taproot
- significance
- lithic reptosol
- cow feeder
- river course harness
- milking method
- water surface profile
- degree of forage grinding
- Amaranthaceae plants
- Smmer radish
- tasselling stage
- all purpose conveyor