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coefficient of relationship



1)coefficient of relationship,血缘系数2)consanguinity,血缘3)kinship,血缘4)blood relationship,血缘5)ties of blood,血缘6)consanguinity,blood relationship,血缘7)unrelated,非血缘8)unrelated donors,无血缘9)consanguinity,血缘融合10)blood-relationship inheritance,血缘继承


By an analysis of Zhejiang theatrical circle before the entrance of Kunju opera,the paper reveals the consanguinity and ties by blood between kunju opera and Zhejiang theatrical circle.


In traditional China, the society is an ethic society of the isomorphic of family and state on the base of consanguinity patriarchal clan system.

中国传统社会是以血缘宗法为基础的家国同构的伦理社会 ,无论是经济的、政治的 ,还是文化的、自然的 ,都以血缘人伦关系为主导 ,通过血缘伦理社会化、社会血缘伦理化的双向同化 ,达致家国同构、君父同格的社会架构 ,形成了沿袭千年的臣民道德、君王意识和威权意

:According to the texts of "Pangeng" in Shangshu,this article thinks that the social stratum was on the basis of the consanguinity of the people, and the freeman in Shang dynasty consisted three estates: king, min and zhong.

从《盘庚》文本本身出发 ,可知盘庚时代“民”与“众”并非奴隶 ,两者与“王”构成当时自由人的三个等级 ;当时的社会阶层是以血缘为轴铺展开的。

Seeking their kinship,many Taiwan compatriots have their ancestral homes in Fujian;talking of their economic bond,Fujian and Taiwan people strive together to exert supplementary functions in economic development;regarding their cultural connection,Fujian and Taiwan share the same profound culture.


Because of the special nature of "Asian productive mode," the ancient Chinese people, while moving toward civilized society, had preserved well the kinship passed down from the clan society.


Probe into the contest between blood relationship and marriage relationship in the modern country of China;


Revolution & Blood Relationship, Geography: Analysis of Rural Social Transformation (1949-1965);


The Prosperity and decline of blood relationship "party" showed blood relationship weakening to social politics.


The scholars have a large number of achievement and writings about ties of blood,clan,the shape of countries in early time.

文章分为五大部分: 一、探讨世卿制度的定性及其来源,说明它来源于指定服役制度,是一种世代相传、家族垄断的用人模式,证明它是一种建立在血缘之上的职官制度。

Study on treatment for six severe aplastic anemia patients by unrelated allagene cord blood transplantation;


We report our experience in successful unrelated-donor bone marrow transplantation in 2 cases of β-thalassemia major, which are approved to be the first 2 cases in Asia.
