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1)mdna,信使dna2)messenger dna,信使dna3)messenger,信使4)courier,信使5)RNA messenger,RNA信使6)Messenger RNA,信使RNA7)mRNA,信使RNA8)second messenger,第二信使9)messenger/blood,信使/血液10)messenger RNA,信使RNA(mRNA)


Design and Realization of Messenger in the Multi-agent System Development Environment;


Objective To detect alpha fetoprotein (AFP) messenger RNA expression in peripheral blood in patients with primary liver cancer (PLC), and study the significance of it as a predictive maker for recurrence and metastasis of liver neoplasm.

目的 探讨原发性肝癌患者外周血中甲胎蛋白信使核糖核酸 (AFP mRNA)的表达情况及其与肝癌血行播散的关系和临床应用价值。

Objective To explore the relationship between the expression of costimulating moleculars, cluster of differention 80(CD80,B7 1), cluster of differention 86(CD86,B7 2), cluster of differention 28(CD28), cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4(CTLA 4), B7 1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), B7 2 mRNA, and extend of injury in acute cerebrovascular patients.

目的 探讨急性脑血管病患者血液中协同刺激分子白细胞分化抗原簇 80 (clusterofdifferention 80 ,CD80 ,B7 1)、白细胞分化抗原簇 86(clusterofdifferention 86,CD86,B7 2 )、白细胞分化抗原簇 2 8(clusterofdifferention 2 8,CD2 8)、细胞毒性T淋巴细胞抗原 4 (cytotoxicTlymphocyteantigen 4 ,CTLA 4 )蛋白的表达和B7 1、B7 2信使核糖核酸 (messengerribonucleicacid ,mRNA)的表达及其与急性脑血管病病损的关系。

ObjectiveThe objective of the study was to assess the specificity of AFP-mRNA as an indicator of hepatoma cells in peripheral blood.

目的 评价甲胎蛋白信使RNA(AFP mRNA)作为外周血中肝癌细胞的标志是否具有特异性。

Recently, it has been proved that an mRNA molecule instructs the corresponding protein synthesizing not only in the primary structure but also in the conformation.


As a second messenger,it plays a pivotal role in the regulation of vascular tone,renal function,cerebral blood flow and lung vasodilator.


Phosphatidic acid (PA) is an important intracellular signal molecule and is called the lipid second messenger because several targets of PA have especially been cloned and identified.


Cell membrane receptor and its second messenger are significant for annotate mechanism of optic neural accommodation and nosogenesis of some ophthalmopathy.
