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Germination speed



1)Germination speed,发芽速度2)speed of germination,发芽速度3)mean germination speed,平均发芽速度4)Germination rate,发芽速率5)accelerating germination,促速发芽6)Sprouting rate,出芽速度


When concentrations of polyethylene glycol(PEG)raised to 15%,germination speed,germination exponent,vitality exponent,sprout length decreased in diffent extent.

结果表明 :随着水势的下降 ,其发芽率在轻度水分胁迫下有所上升 ,然后降低 ,随 PEG浓度上升到 15 %时 ,发芽率、发芽速度、发芽指数、活力指数、芽长等都出现不同程度的降低。

This paper expounds the process and method of the germination test of the seeds of gleditia sinenssis, and draws a conclusion that the germination speed of the seeds treated with concentrated sulphuric acid for 40 min is higher, the germinating capacity of the seeds marinated in high-temperature water is higher, and the geminating capacity of the seeds accelerated in heat zone is high.


The result showed that as water potential decreased,germination percentage,speed of germination,germination index,vigor index,sprout length,roots length,R/S(ratio of root to shoot),fresh and dry weight of plant decreased in different extent.


The germination rate,germination capacity and mean germination speed of Hippophae rhamnoides seeds were obviously improved after the seeds were soaked with different concentrations of the natural brassinolide (NBR).

用不同质量浓度的天然油菜素内酯 (NBR)处理贮藏 4年的沙棘种子后 ,发现天然油菜素内酯对沙棘种子的发芽率、发芽势及平均发芽速度有明显的促进作用。

The effect of C19 supernatant on the germination rate of cucumber seeds was studied, the result showed that 100 × dilution improved the germination rate of cucumber seed significantly.
