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biennial fodder crop



1)biennial fodder crop,二年生饲料罪2)biennial forage crop,二年生饲料罪3)Overhauling once in 2 years,二年一修4)Jing Yuan II,景元二年5)two-year seed,二年种子6)two-year-three-crop system,二年三作7)the second year of Daye,大业二年8)Laws of the Second Year,《二年律令》9)2nd year of the Taishi reign,太始二年10)the second year of Qingli,庆历二年


As a crucial works of JIkang research, "The Letter to SHAN Ju-yuan in Breaking Off Relations" has permanently caused debate and controversy , most scholars maintained that it had written in Jing Yuan II , i.

其写作时间学界多持魏景元二年,即公元2 6 1年。

According to the conception brought forward by Crocker and Borton(1959),two-year seed is usually the seed with no seedling emergence before second spring coming after its matutity in nursery under natural condition\.

Borton(1959)提出的概念,凡是在苗圃条件下,犹如在自然条件下成熟后的第2个春季来临之前不出苗的种子,通称为二年种子(two years seed)[9]。

The Research about the Explanation of Farmland.Taxes of Farmland and Inherit System in Laws of the Second Year in Han Dynasties;
