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normal value of accumlated year



1)normal value of accumlated year,多年平均值2)climatological normals,气候多年平均值3)Several,多年4)for ages,多年5)Permafrost,多年冻土6)variation,多年变化7)perennial frozen soil,多年冻土8)perennial frozen earth,多年冻土9)pluriennal regulation,多年调节10)Multi-year sea ice,多年海冰


Research Summarization on Natural Gas Hydrate in Permafrost Regions;


Relationship between permafrost and gas hydrates on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.;


Comparative Analysis on Ecological Conditions of Qinghai—Tibet Plateau Permafrost Areas and Tianshan Mountain Permafrost Areas;


The variations of nitrogen and phosphorus transportation in the last decades were studied and their relationships with population,applied fertilizers and wastewater discharged in the basin were analyzed.


The Hydrographic data from three major CHINARE cruises and one Australian cruise along 73°E near Prydz Bay are interpreted to present the features and variations of water masses and geostrophic currents.

根据 2 0 0 2 ,2 0 0 0和 1999年中国南极考察和 1992年澳大利亚南极考察资料 ,分析了普里兹湾 73°E断面水团与地转流的结构及其多年变化 :(1)该断面上水团主要有南极表层水、绕极深层水、南极底层水和陆架水 ;(2 )南极表层水 1999,2 0 0 0年向北扩展最强 ,2 0 0 2年向北扩展最弱 ,绕极深层水 2 0 0 2年向南扩展也较强 ,1999和 1992年绕极深层水向南扩展较弱 ,南极底层水 ,位温在 - 0 。

Underground water types and the reated regulation in perennial frozen soil environment in Holapen Basin;


Most areas along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway are of perennial frozen soil.


Distributing of perennial frozen earth area and its bridge and culvert engineering;


This article analyzed the reason why the road built in the perennial frozen earth is destroyed.

分析了在多年冻土地带修筑的铁 (公 )路路基被破坏的原因 ,提出了对路基采取保温的防治措施 ,介绍了路基保温的机理及硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料在路基上的施工工

Considering the bad natural condition of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the special engineering character of perennial frozen earth ,the author carried out some research on getting temperature index,laws during concrete construction through calorific calculating,which will guide the concrete construction in perennial frozen earth area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other chilly area as well.

针对青藏高原腹地多年冻土区恶劣自然环境和多年冻土独特工程特性条件下桥梁施工对混凝土提出的技术要求 ,通过热工计算 ,推导混凝土施工过程中各阶段的温度控制指标、措施和一些规律 ,对青藏铁路多年冻土区桥梁混凝土施工及其它严寒地区混凝土施工具有指导意义。

This paper took Xiniutan reservoir reinforcement as a example,discussed how to use pluriennal regulation methods to calculate the quantity of runoff and irrigation,and defined irrigation storage capacity in the end.
