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the speed of producing leaves



1)the speed of producing leaves,出叶速度2)leaf appearance,出叶3)leafing rate,出叶速率4)Leaf phenology,出叶时间5)Leaf expansion rate,出叶周期6)rapid leafing,快速出叶


The results showed that: high night temperature can accelerate leaf appearance of early-season rice seedlings obviously,and improve the quality of seedlings significantly,accelerate tillering and enhance the effective panicles.


The results showed that there was not a significant difference between early maturing hybrids and late maturing ones in leafing rate,young panicle differentiation duration(from young panicle initiation to heading) and young panicle differentiating rate,and grain filling duration(from head.


Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting total leaf number of the main stem, leafing rate at two different growth stages, heading date, and plant height in a recombinant inbred lines (RIL)population from the cross Lemont (japonica)×Teqing (indica) were investigated using a complete RFLP map with 182 marker loci.

用一张具有 182个 RFL P标记的分子连锁图谱和一套重组自交系 ( RIL)群体 ,对水稻植株主茎总叶片数、叶片生长速率、抽穗期和株高等数量性状进行 QTL区间作图研究 ,定位了影响水稻出叶速率的 8个 QTL ,主茎总叶片数的 2个QTL、抽穗期的 3个 QTL和株高的 4个 QTL。

Leaf phenology has long been thought to evolve to maximize plant carbon gains, and it reflects plant life history strategies for exploiting resources.


The leafing rate of fourteen cultivars were estimated based on the interval sowing experiments and the rapid leafing genotype at the vegetative growth stage in an indica cultivar Yanhui 559 was discovered.
