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saddle horse



1)saddle horse,乘用马2)hackney,乘用马3)mount,乘用马4)passenger cars,乘用车5)passenger car,乘用汽车6)Passenger tire,乘用轮胎7)Passenger car,乘用车8)passenger vehicle,乘用车9)Passenger motor vehicle,乘用车辆10)PCV Passenger Car Vehicle,乘用车


Based on the producing mechanism analysis of unburned hydrocarbon emission exhausted by gasoline engines,and the actual detected HC emission sample data of a given type passenger cars on idle condition,the statistical laws of HC emission have been researched,the distribution function and the distribution density function models used to describe these laws have been established too.


The basic essential factors of the green weatherstrips,the raw materials,the new technology and the process technique,the protect against pollution of the environment in the producing process & its value of the properties target of the green rubber weatherstrips for the passenger car were described.

提出了绿色密封条概念 ,介绍了绿色乘用汽车密封条的基本要素 ,绿色乘用汽车橡胶密封条的生产用原材料、生产工艺、生产过程环保和性能指标。

This fact has shown that the combination of hi-tech materials and common materials is more widely applied in sealing system for passenger cars.


The concord of color is one of main surface features of an automobile especially for passenger cars,and the chromatic difference is a defect of paint.


Aiming at the requirements of compulsory standard,the requirements of fuel system safety in rear-end collision for passenger vehicle,the design method of rear-end structure of passenger vehicle is studied.


The thriving and prospering of Auto industry in china, is brighter than ever, vehicle especially PV(passenger vehicle) in 2004 is at the stage of transfer from sailing market to buying market after through two years high speed development ,the competition between auto manufacture become more and more fierce.
