necessary elements
Effect of aluminum chelating agent on liver zymogram and on essential elements of rats induced by aluminum;
[Objective] To study the relationship between essential elements and GST genetic polymorphisms in patients with chronic benzene poisoning.
HNO3-HClO4 method was applied to digest samples and the contents of essential elements in Jatropha Curcas seeds collected from different localities in Yunnan Province were determined by ICP-OES.
经HNO3-HC lO4湿法消解样品,使用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-OES)测定不同产地麻疯树种子中必需元素的含量。
The animal experiments showed that manganese can increase or hamper the absorption,distribution and excretion of some essential elements,such as Zn,Cu,Fe,Co and Ca.
动物实验发现 ,锰可促进或妨碍某些必需元素如 Zn、Cu、Fe、Co和 Ca等的吸收、分布与排泄。
Cu, Se, Mn, Ni and V are necessary elements to plants growth .
The find drinking water demand a little or nought chemical and toxic elements, in the same time contain necessary elements.
饮用水中有机物与有毒元素含量是单向限值 ,在小于限值的前提下越低越好 ;而必需元素含量应是双向阈值 ,低于阈值下限或高于阈值上限都是对人体健康不利的。
In this paper,the contents of necessary trace elements:Mg、P、Ca、Fe、Mn、Zn、Co、Cu、Mo、Cr、Ni in 100 kinds of usually used Chinese herbal medicine wece determinated by plasma-adomic e-mission spectrometry.
Protection of aluminum chelating agent to the cardiac toxicity in rats exposed to aluminum chloride
Effect of flour bleeding agent on metabolism and synthesis of protein and essentional elements in liver and kidney of mice
Effect of Aluminum Chelating Agent on Element in Brain of Rats Induced by Aluminum
Effect of Aluminum Chelating Agent on Aluminum-expelling and Essential Elements in Testicle of Aluminum-induced Rats
Effect of Aluminum Chelating Agent on Antioxidant System and Essential Elements in Testicle of Rats Exposed to Aluminum
These foods, Zeng said, are high in protein or essential elements and accelerate children's growth.
Iron is an indispensable trace element which is easily deficient in human body.
Selenium is an important trace element for human heal th.
Effects of Azomite application on 10 essential mineral elements and 15 rare earth elements in vine leaves
Selenium( Se) is a necessary trace element in the body, which possesses many physiological functions.
The Determination of Nutrition Elements in Tobacco Leaves by Ion Chromatography;
Study of Eight Essential Transitional Metals for Human in Guangdong Long-boiled Soups;
xmlns: This special attribute is a required metadata element for all messages.
· xmlns: 这个属性对于所有消息都是一个必需的元数据元素。
The influnce and action mechanism on the health of human body with11 kinds grand quantity elements and14 kinds microelement and poisonous elements were introduced.
The essential nutrients in body can be grouped into6 categories: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements, vitamins, minerals and water.
Parameter '%ls' is required when the parent of the element to be added is missing and must be inserted.
当缺少并必须插入要添加元素的父代时,需要参数 ''%1!''。
· bindingDetail: This element is the technical information required to make a method call to an advertised web service.
· bindingDetail: 这一元素是调用已发布的Web服务时所必需的技术信息。
The Studies of Coordination Behavior of Fourth Period Trace Elements with Biological Ligands;
- Taproot
- ammonium nitrate limestone
- ribonucleoside
- lithic reptosol
- onion thrips
- Amaranthaceae plants
- river course harness
- Smmer radish
- degree of forage grinding
- Tomato brown leaf spot
- significance
- antibiotic pesticide
- fruit crusher
- cow feeder
- milking method
- rangeregion
- tasselling stage
- potassium bicarbonate fertilizer
- all purpose conveyor
- water surface profile