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Polar Experiment(POLEX)



1)Polar Experiment(POLEX),极地实验2)polar region,极地3)polar,极地4)polar ocean,极地海洋5)The anode bed,阳极地床6)polar material,极地材料7)Chlamydomonas nivalis,极地雪藻8)polar low,极地低压9)Antarctica,南极地区10)polar science,极地科学


With the development of human society and improvement of abilities to explore the unknown world, nowadays environment pollution has become a global problem, even threatening the remote polar regions.


Distribution of glacial microorganisms,advances in microbial diversity in polar region, sea iceberg,continental high mountains,and others were expatiated in this article,research methods,significances, outlook,and prospect were also introduced.


Design and Implementation of the Chinese Polar Spatial Data of Surveying and Mapping Management System;


It is very important for most polar users to get the surveying and mapping spatial data information from various districts.


Chinese polar science database system is an open multi-database integration system with physical distribution and logical collection.


Oil pollution in polar ocean increases with the exploration and utilization of polar area.


Biological Effect of UV-B Radiation on Chlamydomonas nivalis;

UV-B辐射对极地雪藻Chlamydomonas nivalis的生物学效应

Physiological Adaptability of Chlamydomonas nivalis under Ultraviolet Radiation;


Determination of Free Radicals in Snow Algae Chlamydomonas nivalis using Fluorescence Probe;


Analyses and Numerical Modeling of a Polar Low over the Japan Sea on 19 December 2003;


In this paper, a meso-α-scale polar low which occurred over the Japan Sea on December 4 2005 was investigated by using almost all available observational data,including the GOES(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite)-9 infrared satellite imagery,the FNL(Final Analyses) data and the latent heat flux data issued by NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction).

利用GOES(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite)-9红外卫星云图和NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)发行的FNL(Final Analyses)客观分析资料以及潜热通量资料,对2005年12月4日发生在日本海上空的1个极地低压的时空特征进行了研究。

White paper on òStatus of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Climate Systemó (SASOCS) has been submitted to Science Committee of Antarctic Research (SCAR) by the Scientific Steering Committee of òAntarctica in Global Climate Systemó (AGCS).


Through collecting and investigating the polar science website information, we suggested that the navigation database of the polar scientific information should be built.

互联网的极地科学信息资源主要包括极地搜索引擎、组织机构和研究项目、科学研究成果 (各种数据库、电子期刊和网上出版物 )。