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ozone instrument

基本解释臭氧计 OI


1)ozone instrument,臭氧计 OI2)ozone increase,臭氧增加 OI3)oxygen index(OI),氧指数(OI)4)FANUC Oi system,FANUC Oi系统5)OI ceramics,OI陶瓷6)NI、OI、NII ions,NI、OI、NII离子


Qualified rate of the thread middle diameter is low in G code programming in FANUC Oi system lathe for CNC.

螺纹加工是机械零件加工中的难点,在FANUC Oi系统数控车床上加工螺纹时,用G代码编程加工后的螺纹中径合格率很低。

Based on the research on the formula for making the OI ceramics, material mixture, formation, sintering as well as tests carried on OI ceramic microscopic structure and performance, the paper demonstrates that OI ceramics can offer higher wash-out wear-resistance property and be an ideal material for making lining of coal washing cyclone.


Macro-program s Application of the CNC with FANUC Oi System;

基于加工中心FANUC Oi系统中宏程序的应用

Design of CNC Machine Control System Based on FANUC 0i Series

基于FANUC 0i系统的机床控制系统设计

Research about the Macro Program Based on FANUC 0i CNC System;

基于FANUC 0i数控系统宏程序研究

Research of FANUC & SIEMENS NC System Instruction Compare;


FANUC System Power Source Module Fault Analysis and Diagnosis;


Application of Macro-program Designing Milling-circulation on FANUC Systen;


The Application of GE Fanuc PAC Rx7i in Coil Yard Conveying System

GE Fanuc PAC Rx7i在钢卷库运输系统中的应用

Selection of Feed Servo Motor in FANUC 0i CNC System

FANUC 0i系统进给伺服电机的选择

Based FANUC System Surface Parts CNC Processing and Macro Programming


Simulation Device of Error Diagnosis in FANUC NC System


The Application of FANUC OI Mate-MC System in Bus Bar Punching Machine

FANUC 0I Mate-MC系统在母排冲孔机上的应用

Flexible Use of G92 Command in FANUC-0M System


Establising Programme of Thread Milling Based on FANUC System


Fault diagnosis and elimination methods for CNC FANUC servo system


On the Operation and Set of the Basic Parameters of FANUC Numerical Control System


Programming Examples of FANUC 0i CNC Lathe

FANUC 0i系统数控车床编程实例

Developing Tool Identification System Using Fanuc C Executor

用Fanuc C执行器开发刀具识别系统

Parameter Setup of FSSB Bus of Fanuc 0iC CNC

FANUC 0iC数控系统FSSB总线的参数设定