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baffle plate



1)baffle plate,折流挡板2)anaerobic baffled reactor,厌氧折流挡板3)twisted current,折流4)mixture of parallel and countercurrent flow,折流5)rod baffle,折流杆6)baffle plate,折流板


The impact of baffle plate installation on the functions of hydromechanics and volumetric mass transfer coefficient K_(X_a) of cross-flow tower packed with raschig ring packings were studied.

研究了设置折流挡板对φ10 mm×10 mm不锈钢丝网拉西环填料塔流体力学性能和传质性能的影响,重点考察了不同的板间距(以折流挡板间距H与塔径D之比表征)对压力降、传质单元高度和液相总体积吸收系数K_(X_a)的影响并与普通填料塔相比校。

On the basis of this theory,twisted current tuyeres were developed and used in some dozens of iron making plants,and good results were achieved.

利用计算机风口烧损过程数模 ,对市场现有几种典型风口小套进行了简单剖析 ,提出了烧损风口小套的“铁水流股寿命”和“铁水流股破坏能力”的概念 ,分析了二者对风口烧损过程的作用机理及二者在实际高炉冶炼过程中的存在规律 ,在此基础上设计的折流式风口小套在数十个厂家的应用中取得了理想效果 ,为炼铁厂在不投资改造给水设备的条件下 ,设计低成本长寿风口提供了参考意见。

Based on the analysis of the structure and performance of rod baffle and orifice-baffle separately,the shortcomings of these two kinds’ baffles were found.


The mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop reduction are analyzed of a new type of rod baffle shell and tube heat exchanger with spiral groove tube bundles.

描述了新型折流杆换热器的强化传热和降低壳层压力降的原理 ,它与传统折流板换热器相比 ,传热效率高 ,材料及能耗小。

The conventional tube-bundle supports, the arch baffle, is transformed into the various kinds of rod baffle, circle orifice plate and helical baffle, which not only improves the total heat transfer performance of the heat exchanger, but also greatly decreases the flow resistance of the shell side.


The gap between the baffle plates and shell was blocked by the sealer,which effectively decreased the short circuit flow in the shell.


Breakage and leakage took place on the baffle plate heat exchangers of Russian-made 300 MW electric generator units in a power plant shortly after the units were put into operation.
