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discount coefficient



1)discount coefficient,折合系数2)equivalent coeff-icient method,折合系数法3)environmental conversion factor,环境折合系数4)Conversion,折合5)reduced exergy,折合6)Reduced mass,折合质量


Method A new method for defining the environmental conversion factors of failure times has been given basing on the AMSAA model, and the MTBF point evaluated values and lower confidence limits of the units were defined, at last, the lower confidence limit of the system reliability was obtained using L M method.

方法依据AMSAA模型给出了一种确定时间环境折合系数的新方法 ,进而得到各单元MTBF点估计和置信下限 ,最后利用L -M法给出该装置系统可靠度置信下限值。

According to the AMSAA model, a new method of time environmental conversion factors determination was proposed through optimization process in view of system engineering, which made full use of the failure data including the same kind of products and the similar products in their development phases.

本文从系统工程角度出发提出了一种依据 AMSAA模型利用同类或相似产品研制阶段试验数据通过最优化过程来确定时间环境折合系数的新方法 ,进而给出了产品设计定型时 MTBF置信区间的确定方法 ,为解决长期困扰设计定型中可靠性指标验证这一关键问题找到了一条途径 。

Introduces the concepts of available anergy and reduced exergy by analysing the energy utilization process.


This paper discusses the probloms of collision, extends the result in ref - which show the formula of the mechanical energy loss to the situation of oblique collision, simplifies the result by using the reduced mass, analyses the result with Knig s theorem and studies the result of the perfectly inelastic collision of many-body system.

对碰撞问题进行了一些教学上的探讨 ,把文献 [2 ]-[6 ]关于对心碰撞情形机械能损失的公式推广到两体非对心碰撞的情形 ,引入折合质量的概念对结果进行简化 。

The reduced kinetic energy is discussed using the reduced mass of the constrained two bodies.

对受约束的两体问题在其自由方向上引入折合质量 ,并由此导出了受约束两体问题中质点的折合动能 ,同时也给出了处理受约束两体问题的一种简便方法 。

In the teaching of central field, we should pay attention to turning the relative motion of two - body into one dimentuonal radial motion by introducing two physical concepts of reduced mass and effective potential energy, and we should also pay attention that the area law is the geometrical description of the conservation of angular momentum in the central field.
