positive energy balance
In this paper,We study positive equilibrium kind of n-species food chain model under pollutde environment.
New sufficient conditions for the global attractivity of the positive equilibrium of equation is obtained, which improve some recent results in literature.
讨论平方Logistic差分方程xn + 1-xn=rnxn(1 +bxn -kn-cx2 n -kn) ,n =0 ,1 ,… ,其中 {rn}是非负实数列 ,{kn}是非负整数列 ,{n -kn}非单调递减 ,且limn→∞(n -kn) =∞ ,b∈ (-∞ ,∞ ) ,c∈ (0 ,+∞ ) ,给出了保证方程每一正解趋于正平衡点的充分条件 ,所得定理推广和改进了已有结果。
The results obtained prove that a locally stable positive equilibrium point also contains global stability.
考虑了n维Lotka Volterra捕食被捕食链型系统 ,证明了正平衡点的局部稳定性蕴含了全局稳定
Global stability of a positive equilibrium point on two-species competition model
Stability in the large of positive equilibrium point is obtained.
The local progressive stability around the positive equilibrium point M is discussed by using characteristic value law,and a necessary and sufficient condition is gained.
By using the qualitative theory of differential equation and constructing Ляпунов functions,the bounded of time-delay and sufficient condition that guarantees positive equilibrium of system asymptotic stable are obtained.
An example is given on the new 300MW air cooling unit,which is studied by using a positive balance and counter-balance methods respectively,the characteristics and calculation results for the methods are compared to demonstrate that equivalent heat drop has an greatly advantage in increasing unit s performance and conducting local energy loss analysis,and raising energy saving measures.
Taking 50MW unit for example, this paper introduces the calculation methods used for analyzing the unit economy, including methods of positive balance, anti-balance, equivalent heat drop and regular thermodynamic test, and also compares the features of these calculation methods as well as their inner relations.
The positive and reverse energy balance analysis of gas turbine simple cycle;
Global stability of a positive equilibrium point on two-species competition model
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of globally stable positive equilibrium points of n-dimensional Lotka-Volterra circle systems
ii) the positive equilibrium points of this system is global asymptotically stable if and only if-A∈P.
The Stability and Global Hopf Bifurcation of Classes of Delay Differential Systems;
The Perturbation Solution of Multi-molecular Model of Biochemistry Reaction at the Positive Equilibrium Points
The paper is regarding a fourth-order rational difference equation, proving that the positive equilibrium point of the equation is globally asymptotically stable.
In this paper, a stage-structured predator-prey model is studied. Sufficient conditions for the globally asymptotical stability of positive equilibrium are established.
breakeven point
盈亏平衡点, 平均转效点
But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.
Just as I was about to take a sip of coffee the whole building jolted upwards and nearly knocked me off balance.
The Conflict and Balance between Lawsuit Efficiency and Justice-Legal Principles of the "System of Selecting Policemen" and Analysis of Relevant Cases;
Distinguish tri-port sinusoidal oscillator phasic balance by reactance line
equilibrium point algorithm for computing
marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action.
” It holds that balance and gradual change is normal, whereas imbalance is abnormal.
Sometimes it sounds a little stubborn but I am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.
On Conflict and Balance between Conflict Justice and Material Justice;
Balance of Conflict between General Justiceand Specific Justice by Law;
- intermediate-base resin
- oil heater storage tank
- relay satellite
- inhibitory action
- adjustment of itself
- bog
- Warp Beam
- hard drawn copper wire
- effective projected radiant surface
- vacuum lock
- Quadrature components
- leading-out
- pending the issuance of licence
- gravity meter
- maximum permissible pressure
- pneumatic remote control
- autosynchronous
- steam circulating pipe
- value control amplifier
- normal condition