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oil vapor recovery



1)oil vapor recovery,蒸气回收2)VOC recycling,有机蒸气回收3)tank vapour recovery,油罐蒸气回收4)Vapor,蒸气5)steam,蒸气6)Chemical vapor generation,蒸气发生


It Discusses the relationship using steam or electricity for power after the coal boiler being put into operation, and provides some idea for choosing drivemode during production.

讨论燃煤锅炉投用后蒸气与电作动力的相互关系 ,为生产中选择动力的方式提供参

Here the author analyses the design theory that adopts a way of steam dirict heating and damping,anduses the theory to design high temperature and high humidity in budding room .


In order to meet the demand of the energy conservation and the balance of steam system,a scheme of steam ejector system is presented.

针对企业节能降耗和平衡蒸气管网的具体要求 ,提出了以中压管网蒸气为工作流体 ,通过喷射器引射产汽压力较低的余热锅炉蒸气 ,从而实现余热锅炉蒸气升级利用的工艺方案。

Although the technique of chemical vapor generation has been developed forover l00 years, it sill plays an important role in modern analytical atomicspectrometry until today The technique has become popular fOr thedetermination of trace elements in the complex matrices and new aPproachescontinuously comes forth to improve the sensitivity and expand the scope ofaPplications.
