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SS (source statement)



1)SS (source statement),源语句2)system source statement,系统源语句3)source statement,源语句,源程序语句,输入语言语句4)Source language,源语5)SL,源语6)source language,来源语7)source language,源语言8)cognitive context,源语意图9)source language parsing,源语分析10)Resources Grammar,资源语法


The target language is supposed to exactly express the true meaning of the source language when Legal English is translated into Chinese.


No matter what method,the purpose is to faithfully transfer the cultural information from the source language to the target language.


While one translates the source language,one is inevitably introducing the culture it embodies.


Its prominent role in translation is seen in the analysis of the source language;and especially,when we dig into the structure of the source language in rendering something into the target language,the deep and surface structure theory of T.


Firstly, the article gives a brief introduction of the function from language to the Culture s control and restraint, and in the meaning of that, the article makes an explanation of “Cultural Translation”: Rebuilding the culture of source language in target language.

文章首先简要介绍了语言对文化的约束和控制作用 ;并据此对“文化翻译”作出诠释 :在目的语言中重建源语言的文化。

After studying Relevance Theory and combining it with translation practice, this paper presents the following enlightenments: the translator must take into account both source language author s intention and target language readers cognitive contexts in the course of translation; translator must apply proper translation tactics flexibly to achieve optimal relevance of translation texts.


A method which implements source language parsing with combining example based technique in data oriented machine translation system was proposed.
