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elemental electric current



1)elemental electric current,元电流2)current element,电流元3)current component,电流元件4)element current,单元电流5)unit current (micro current),元电流d/I6)bound current element,束缚电流元


The elemental electric current model and interaction law of electric current are defind in this paper.

通过引入元电流模型 ,描述了元电流相互作用 ,讨论了物理量 N与元电流矢量磁位 A* 、元电流磁感强度 B*、矢量磁位 A、磁感强度 B、互感 M、系统总能量 W之间的关

A simple crosstalk model is established using broad two port network theory and the radiation leakage field is computed by taking advantage of current element.


The equation of magnetic line of force for current element is derived and the concluion is obtained that any magnetic line of force is a close circle and its center changing in straight line on three coordinate plane, the oblique rate is determined by current element.

导出了电流元的磁力线方程 ,发现任一磁力线是一闭合圆线 ,圆心在三个坐标平面上沿直线变化 ,斜率由电流元的取向决

In this paper, we introdued a simpler method to obtain Boit Savart Law based on magnetic pole, Coulumb’s Law and current element as the source of field.

本文以磁荷、磁极相互作用的库仑定律、电流元可作为产生磁场的源及牛顿第三定律为出发点 ,简单推导出毕奥 萨伐尔定

A method for planar near field to far field transformation based on element current reconstruction is presented and the basic principle of this method is given.

本文提出了一种新的基于单元电流重构的平面近远场变换方法 ,给出了该方法的基本原理 。

the method of element current reconstruction is presented.

提出了一种新的测量阵列天线方向图的方法 ,即单元电流重构法 。

To lose sight of paired magnetic dipole brim and to equate bound current element, making certain direction and magnitude of a force upon it by Ampere Law.
