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temperature scale



1)temperature scale,温度标2)temperature calibration,温度标定3)temperature standard,温度标准4)Electronic temperature tag,温度标签5)temperature scaie,温(度)标6)standard temperature,温度标准值


Based on the comparison method, the fast temperature calibration experiment with single contact point of thermocouple on LF5-constantan and 6063T6-constantan were carried out, then the perfect temperature calibration curves of this two kinds of aluminous alloys were obtained.


Several techniques, such as the compensation for the nonuniformity of the responsivity with a multiplier, the elimination of the nonuniformity of the background current with a digital type alteration processor, the improvement of the S/N ratio with multiple field averaging technique, to overcome the difficulties met in the temperature calibration of infrared TV systems are discussed.


The temperature calibration has an important impact on the temperature accuracy, which is one of the two key performance parameters of distributed fiber optic temperature sensing systems.

分布式光纤拉曼测温系统的重要参量之一是其温度测量精度 ,系统的温度标定对温度测量精度有着极其重要的影响。

Based on the tests, a study on temperature standard of waste hot drainage in fishery waters was performed and it comes to the conclusion that in summer, the highest hot drainage temperature should be 36℃ in Zhujiang River system and Zhanjiang coastal waters, 35℃in the.

对我国几大水系鱼类及水产动物共 6 5种的抽样调查、急性热冲击试验、热回避试验、最大起始致死温度和持续热影响试验 ,以及组织学检查等 ,探讨了我国渔业水域的废热排水对鱼类影响的温度标准。