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nourishing and warming kidney-yang



1)nourishing and warming kidney-yang,温补肾阳2)warming yang and invigorating kidney,温阳补肾3)reinforcing kidney and warming yang,补肾温阳4)warm and tonify kidney-yang herbs,温补肾阳药5)warming recuperating Shen-yang,温补肾阳方6)Wenyangbushen Formula,温阳补肾方


In the treatment of chronic renal failure by nourishing and warming kidney-yang, Cortex Cinnamomi, Radix Aconiti Preaeparata and Herba Epimedii are often used.


Therapy of reinforcing kidney and warming yang used in asthma treatment and its effect in immune treatment


Effects of warm and tonify kidney-yang herbs on liver mitochondria proteome of kidney-yang deficiency rats


Methods:Every liver mitochondria protein sample from the kidney-yang deficiency rats and the kidney-yang deficiency rats treated with warm and tonify kidney-yang herbs was labeled with Cy3 or Cy5 randomly,Each Cy3-labeled sample and Cy5-labeled sample were mixed on the same 2-D gel .


OBJECTIVE To study the effects of warm and tonify kidney-yang herbs on the liver mitochondria proteome of the kidney-yang deficiency rats by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) .


Objective:To compare the effects of the recipes for nourishing Shen-yin (NSY) and for warming recuperating Shen-yang (WRSY) on the activity of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis rats.

目的 :对比观察滋补肾阴方与温补肾阳方对卵巢切除所致骨质疏松大鼠白细胞介素 1(IL 1)和白细胞介素 6 (IL 6 )活性的影响。

Effects of Wenyangbushen Formula on the Expression of NF-K B p65 in the Spinal Cord in the Guinea Pigs with Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis;

温阳补肾方对EAE豚鼠脊髓内NF-κB p65表达的影响

The Study on Clinic of the Therapeutic Method by Wen Bu Shen Yang on the Type of Shen Yang XV of Primary Hypothyroidism


Effects of warm and tonify kidney-yang herbs on liver mitochondria proteome of kidney-yang deficiency rats


The Effects of the Methods of Nourishing the Kidney-yin and Warming and Recuperating the Kidney-yang on the Expression of OPG, RANKL in Osteoblasts and Marrow Matrix Cells of the Model Rats Established by Bilateral Ovariectomy;


Warm and invigorate the kidney-yang, nourish the marrow and replenish the essence, strengthen the muscles and bones, excite sexual function, regulate qi and activate blood circulation, enhance the immunologic function, reduce fatigue, improve sleeping.


Therapy of reinforcing kidney and warming yang used in asthma treatment and its effect in immune treatment


System Biology Characteristics of Sibling Patients with Typical Kidney-yang Deficiency before and after Warming and Rrecuperating Drug Treatment


Clinical Study on Warming and Tonifying the Spleen and Kidney in Treating Syndrome of Spleen and Kidney Yang Asthenia of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS;


The Change of Cellular Adhersion Molecules in Endometriosis and the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Warming Yang Removing Blood Stasis Method;


Study on the Angiogenesis Mechanism of Endometriosis and the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Warming Yang Removing Blood Stasis Method;


The Clinical Research on Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease Treated by Warming the Yang and Reinforcing the Nephros on the Points of Neiguan and Xinshu;


Study on the Pertinence between Deficiency of Kedney-yang and Th1/Th2 Cytokines of Allergic Rhinitis;


The Hypoxic Tension State in Endometriosis and Effect of Therapeutic Principle of Tonifying Kidney, Warming Yang and Dissolving Stasis on It


The Change of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1 and Factor-inhibiting HIF-1 in Endometriosis and the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Warming Yang Removing Blood Stasis Method on That of Model Rats of EMs


Effect of Bushenwenyanghuyu Method on Menalgia in Patients with Endometriosis


The effects of acteoside on nourishing kidney and strengthening Yang in Yang deficient mice


Warming kidney and subsiding yang to treat the syndrome of true cold disease with false heat manifestation of one patient with advanced cancer disease


Experimental Study of the Wenyangbushen Decoction Preventing Aging on MDA, MAO-B of Aging Model Mice s Brain and the Stress Reaction;


Experimental Study on Bushenning Reinforcing Kidney and Promoting Ovulation on Kidney Yang Deficiency Rat
