place preference
Effect and mechanism of rhynchophylline on amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference in rats;
Objective: To study the effect of different doses of l-THP on cocaine-induced conditioned place preference ( CPP ) and observe whether l-THP itself induces CPP.
目的 :探讨不同剂量的左旋四氢巴马汀 (1 THP)对可卡因引起的条件性位置偏爱的影响以及自身是否引起条件性位置偏爱。
It was judged by conditioned place preference (CPP) that whether the rat models were built successfully or not.
Objective: After single administration of morphine and the motion activity was measured by ambulometer, conditioned place preference paradigm was used to study the reinforcing effect of morphine, climbing behavior was used to evaluate the relation with Dopaminergic system and immediate early expression of c fos gene was in brain was showed by immunohistochemical method.
方法 :单次给予吗啡用自主活动仪检测运动活性 ,利用位置偏爱实验评估吗啡的强化效应 ,用爬壁实验考察与多巴胺系统的关系 ,利用免疫组织化学方法显示脑内即刻早期基因c fos的表达情况。
The results indicate that SFT combined with Bup could effectively abate and control withdrawal symptoms,but not influence conditioned place preference.
Conclusion: Bup can not change conditioned place preference of morphine.
方法··:以生理盐水为对照组 ,应用丁丙诺啡对吗啡依赖大鼠进行脱毒治疗 ,分别于停用吗啡24h,72h,8d观察其对湿狗样抖动、齿颤等戒断症状的影响及位置偏爱实验吗啡侧停留时间。
80 Hz electrical stimulus to nucleus accumbens influencing the formation of conditioned place preference induced by morphine in rats;
80 Hz电刺激伏隔核对吗啡诱导的大鼠条件性位置偏爱行为形成的影响
Effect of nucleus accumbens lesion on conditioned place preference in rats receiving morphine and on the brain function of rats;
Influence of l-tetrahydropalmatine on morphine-induced conditioned place preference;
Methods Antisense oligonucleotides (AS-ONs) technique, lateral ventricle injection, and nNOS immunohistochemistry were employed in the present study, conditioned place preference (CPP) model was used for evaluating the rewarding effects of morphine in rats.
方法 实验通过侧脑室置管给药 ,采用反义寡核苷酸技术 ,免疫组织化学技术和条件位置偏爱 (conditionedplacepreference,CPP)程序 ,研究M4,M5反义寡脱氧核苷酸干预下吗啡的奖赏行为 ,以及VTA内nNOS表达情况。
Construction and Application of a Video-Computer Assisted Conditioned Place Preference ExperimentalSystem in Mice;
An Experimental Study on the Implicit Effect of Ingroup/outgroup Favoritism
Comparison of the Subjective Preferences for Three Different Systems;
Preliminary test on the preferred reverberation time for the Chinese instrumental music motifs;
Oxytocin mediates the inhibition of lithium on the conditioned place preference induced by morphine in rats
The Studies of Active Ingredients from Radix Astragali on Conditioned Place Preference in Mice Induced by Morphine;
Developmental and Gender Differences in the Acquisition of Alcohol Conditioned Place Preference in Mice and the Influences of Stress;
Effect of Scopolamine on Reinstatement of Conditioned Place Preference in Morphine Dependent-rats;
The Effect of Electrical Stimulus to Nucleus Accumbens on the Formation of Morphine-induced Conditioned Place Preference in Rats;
Effect of Citalopram on Heroin-induced Conditioned Place Preference of Rats;
The Clinical Tolerance Study of the New Drug Tetrodotoxin;
Creation of Heroin-induced Conditioned Place Preference in Rats and the Effect PCPA Exerting;
Effect of Histaminergic-related Compounds on Morphine-induced Conditioned Place Preference in Rats;
The Role of Dopamine D3 Receptor in the Amphetamine-induced Conditioned Place Preference in Mice;
Observation of place - conditioned preference in Y maze and electrical activities recorded in hippo-campus pyramidal neurons during heroin withdrawal following chronic administration in rats;
The Studies of Active Fraction of Semen Ziziphi Spinosae on Morphine-induced Conditioned Place Preference in Mice
Effects of Y-IP5 on morphine-induced behavioral sensitization and conditioned place preference in mice
Effects of clobenpropit and histidine on reinstatement of morphine-induced conditioned place preference
- bearer bond
- lower half;lower part
- zygozoospore
- liquid electrode mothed
- quadrantic
- plaited paper filter
- longitudinal lie
- centricity
- distant hybridization
- ewing's tumor
- crescent
- phase array sector scanner
- transparent layer
- exponential amplification
- auditory feed-back recorder
- Hydrocarbon base
- Cardiac neurosis
- episiostenosis
- vaginoplasty
- trapezium