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Health,Labour and Welfare Minister (Japan)

基本解释卫生劳动及福利部部长 (日本)


1)Health,Labour and Welfare Minister (Japan),卫生劳动及福利部部长 (日本)2)South Japan,日本南部3)Central Japan,日本中部4)Japanese Corps,日本军部5)Japan and Japanese,日本及日本人6)Japanese patent,日本专利


In this paper, we make a comparative analysis and correlation test for the seismic activities in the South Japan and the Ludong-Huanghai block (a secondary tectonic unit in the North China) and approach the relationship between the energy release processes of these two areas by using co-integration analysis and Granger causality test for the time series of random variables.


The Matto submerged forest was found in spring of 1998 as stumps, roots and erect trunks from the continental shelf at depth between 20 and 30 m, and in 2 to 3 km off the recent marginal area of the Tedori-gawa alluvial fan at Hama-sogo and Kurabe, Matto City, the Hokuriku region, Central Japan.

松任市水下森林于1998年发现,位于日本中部北陆地区松任市Hama-sogo和Kurabe附近手取河现代冲积扇2-3km外的20-30 m水下,呈树桩、树根或直立的树干保存。

The Guilt of Japanese Corps Waging Chemical War in World War Ⅱ;


This paper introduces the features of patent documents and the summarization of Japanese patent documents on Internet, expounds the methods for retrieving Japanese patent documents on Internet and the method for indicating the numbers of Japanese patent documents.


The Japanese climate is warm and moist in the south, mild in the central part and cold in the north. France has a mild climate, doesn't it?


medium-sized tree having glossy lanceolate leaves; southern China to Taiwan and southern Japan.


The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on the southern city of Nagasaki on Aug. 9. Six days later, Japan surrendered.


Japan's southern regions of Okinawa, Shikoku, and Kyushu are home to the highest concentrations of centenarians.


"Kamato Hongo, who lives on the island of Tokunoshima in southern Japan, slept through most of the celebrations to mark her extraordinary achievement."


an extinct volcano in south central Honshu; last erupted in 1707; famous for its symmetrical snow-capped peak.


A city of southern Honshu, Japan, a suburb of Osaka. Population, 276, 397.


a chain of 55 islands in the western Pacific southwest of Japan (returned by United States to Japan in 1972).


Authorities are advising people in southern Japan to stay away from the seacoast.


The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.


As a result of the war tsarist Russia was defeated and supplanted by Japanese imperialism in the dominant role in China's Northeast.


common erect hairy perennial of plains and prairies of southern and central United States having sunflowerlike flowers.


"Ise Shrine ( in full Grand Shrine of Ise Japanese Ise-daijingu ):Foremost Shint shrine in Japan, at Ise, in southern Honshu."


a city on the southwestern coast of Honshu Island in Japan; on August 6, 1945 Hiroshima was almost completely destroyed by the first atomic bomb dropped on a populated area.


This year, Japan plans to kill seven-hundred whales during hunts in Antarctic waters and the northwestern Pacific Ocean.


Even if Japan blockades the Chinese coastline, it is impossible for her to blockade China's Northwest, Southwest and West.


Take the lush southern island of Kyushu, Japan's third-largest and home to 14m people.


Rangea broad: East Africa to northern South China Sea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and New Caledonian.
