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microelectrophoretic cell



1)microelectrophoretic cell,微电泳池2)microelectrophoretic cell,微型电泳池3)Microelectrophoretic,显微电泳4)iontophoresis[ai,ɔntəfə'ri:sis],微电泳5)microelectrophoresis['maikrəui,lektrəufə'ri:sis],微电泳6)Microiontophoresis,微电泳


Methods:We observed the effects on c-Fos protein expression in lateral habenular nucleus and medial habenular nucleus after injecting cocaine into a belly cavity and spontaneous and evoked discharge of pain-correlative unit through iontophoresis of cocaine into LHb.


To investigate the eletrophysiological effect of rat adrenomedullin (rADM) on barosensitive neurons in the rostral ventrolat- eral medulla (rVLM) and its potential mechanisms,the extracellular recording and multi-barrel iontophoresis methods were used.

采用多管微电泳结合细胞外记录的方法研究了肾上腺髓质素(adrenomedullin,ADM)对大鼠延髓头端腹外侧区(rostral ven- trolateral medulla,rVLM)压力反射敏感性神经元电活动的作用及其可能机制。

Objective To observe the direct effects of microelectrophoresis applications of substance P (SP) and SP antagonist on the spontaneous firing actives of arcuate nucleus (ARC) neuron in female dioestrum rat,and probe into the effect and mechanism of substance P on the control action of reproduction.

目的 观察微电泳P物质(SP)及其拮抗剂对间情期雌性大鼠弓状核(ARC)神经元自发放电活动的影响,进一步探讨整体情况下SP对生殖活动的调节作用及作用机制。

Methods: The effects of microelectrophoresis of CORT on the discharge of the presympathetic neurons in the RVLM were observed by extracellular recording in urethane-anaesthetized rats.

方法 :本研究采用细胞外记录和微电泳等方法观察CORT对氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉大鼠RVLM前交感神经元的作用 ,观察分别给予ACh受体拮抗剂阿托品 (ATR)、筒箭毒 (d TC)或六烃季铵 (C6)后CORT对RVLM前交感神经元的影响。

Aim: To research the spontaneous firing activities during different-frequency stimulation of subthalamic nucleus and microelectrophoresis GABA,Glu and their antagons respectively,approaching the mechanism of DBS in the treatment of Parkinson\'s disease further.


The effects of microiontophoresis of corticostersone sulfate (CORT) on the discharge of the cardiovascular neurons in the RVLM were observed.

方法细胞外记录氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的SD大鼠头端延髓腹外侧区(RVLM)被鉴定的心血管神经元的自发放电,观察微电泳硫酸皮质酮(O3RT对心血管神经元活动的影响,及其 GC受体拮抗剂 RU 486对CORT导致神经元作用的影响。