assimilatory coefficient
Advance in Sulphur Uptake,Assimilation,Distribution and Its Effects on Yield and Quality of Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.);
A Study of Single-Doppler Data Assimilation in Adjoint-model Assimilation System;
Four-dimensional variational data assimilation of TRMM data in numerical prediction of TC Danas(2001);
With close analyses of the working class,young students,intellectuals and a couple of subclasses in Western developed industrial society,Marcuse come to the conclusion that the working class have already been assimilated into capitalist society,and thus no longer constitute the major revolutionary force against contemporary capitalist society.
Setting up a questional situation and movtiveting students imagination can help students assimilate present new knowledge and keep such knowledge in better system,Giving some examples of success from students and failure can help students get certain exploration spirit.
The Application of Foreignization and Domestication in E-C Film Translation;
On the Factors of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from the Perspective of Historical Environment;
Cultural difference should be paid attention to during the translation of trademark, so this paper mainly discusses the application of "foreignizing" translation and "domesticating" translation in translating trademarks, namely foreignization is oriented towards the SL culture and domestication is oriented towards the TL culture.
商标翻译必须注意不同文化的差异 ,异化翻译技巧的使用主要以源语言地文化为导向 ,而同化翻译的技巧则立足于目标地的语言文化背景。
This translating approach of "assimilation" will play an increasingly important role in the process of C-E translation.
A new four-dimensional data assimilation method named 4DSVD based on attractor theory is introduced by Qiu and Chou(2006).
One of the major difficulties in data assimilation is that the degree of freedom in NWP model far exceeds the number of observations collected at any single time,so the problem is usually underdetermined.
GRAPES project is mainly focused on data assimilation,dynamical core,physical parameterization schemes,and infrastructure software.
中国气象科学研究院(灾害天气国家重点实验室)自2000年起,先后在科技部“973”重大基础项目“我国重大天气灾害形成机理和预测理论研究”和“十五”重点攻关项目“中国气象数值预报系统技术创新研究”支持下,主持承担了中国气象局新一代全球/区域多尺度通用同化与数值预报系统GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation andPrEdiction System)的研究开发,围绕着资料同化、模式动力框架、物理过程、大型软件工程等核心技术开展了自主创新研究,取得了非静力中尺度模式、三维变分资料同化、标准化、模块化、并行化模式程序软件等方面的突出成果,部分成果已在业务上得到了应用,显示了良好的技术性能和业务发展潜力。
The nest step is the degradation of the nitrogen source via ammonia assimilation.
酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)可以在多种氮源上生长,通过转运蛋白的作用实现对培养基中氮源的吸收,然后在体内发生氨的同化作用代谢。
5%) respectively,which displayed assimilation as the predominant one.
- centricity
- transparent layer
- vaginoplasty
- distant hybridization
- phase array sector scanner
- Hydrocarbon base
- plaited paper filter
- longitudinal lie
- ewing's tumor
- Cardiac neurosis
- episiostenosis
- auditory feed-back recorder
- lower half;lower part
- bearer bond
- exponential amplification
- quadrantic
- zygozoospore
- liquid electrode mothed
- trapezium
- crescent