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fluxible anode



1)fluxible anode,助熔性阳极2)soluble anode,助熔性阳极3)melting acceleration,助熔4)oxygen burning for melt,氧燃助熔5)additive,助熔剂6)flux,助熔剂7)fluxing agent,助熔剂8)electric boosting,电助熔9)flux effect,助熔作用10)B_2O_3 Fluxing Agent,B2O3助熔剂


Since the introduction of melting acceleration technique by coal-oxygen injection in the electric are furnace operation the heat supply has changed from partial supply pattern into a new one on a large area and multi point basis, and as a result the syn- chronous melting of furnace charge has replaced the previous mode of gradually melting.


It is shown that,compared with extractive coals,gas producing ratio reduces a bit but the effective gas components CO and H2 did not reduce after adding additive.


Selecting CaO as additive,blending it into two coals in different proportions respectively,the tests of coal ash fusion characteristics are performed under condition of the infirmly deoxidized ambience.


The additives CaO or Fe2O3 were blended with the coals in different proportions respectively.


Research on flux effected to ash fusion;


Research on flux added to reduce ash fusion temperature of Huainan coal;


Mechanism of reducing ash fusion temperature by adding flux in Huainan coal;


6% containing slag is chosen as the basic slag and CaF2 is replaced by B2O3 as the fluxing agent it's found out that as the fluxing agent B2O3 is almost the same as CaF2 therefore B2O3 can be used as the pollution refining slag in place of SiO2 slag.


The slag composite contains CaO-SiO 2-Fe 2O 3-MgO-MnO 2(2?%)-Al 2O 3(3?%)-P 2O 5(2?%)and CaF 2 is used as a fluxing agent.

模拟再利用于铁水预处理的转炉渣剂组成 ,对CaO -SiO2 -Fe2 O3-MgO -MnO2 (2 % ) -Al2 O3(3% ) -P2 O5(2 % )系熔剂 ,采用CaF2 为助熔剂 ,在m (CaO ) m (SiO2 ) =2 。

One of the perspective ways is to install the electric boosting into the existing furnace or to build the new furnace including the electric boosting.


This article discussed a method that using 10 KV electric power,not through the transformer substation voltage dropping,supplies power for the isolation oil transformers to help electric boosting,introduced the items,should pay attention,in using ultra high voltage isolation oil transformer, showed the merit that using extra high voltage to help electric boosting.


The testing result indicates that TiO_2 has mineralized effect on C_2S,at the same time flux effect on reducing low general melting point of CaO-SiO_2 system and yielding much liquid phase,TiO_2 has definite stabilized effect on β-C_2S.
