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downward welding in the vertical position; vertical down welding



1)downward welding in the vertical position; vertical down welding,向下立焊2)downward,向下3)vertical-down,立向下4)Axisal movement,轴向下滑5)vertical down welding,立向下焊6)vertical down welding,向下焊


This article analyses in detail the essential technological characteristics of vertical-down electrodes of J421 type.

分析了 CJ4 2 1立向下电焊条的主要工艺特点 ,对 CJ4 2 1立向下焊条药皮的熔化温度区间进行了测定 ,对焊条的熔敷金属力学性能进行了检测 。

This article analyses in detail the essentical metallurgical characteristics of vertical-down electrodes of Titanium-Calcium type.


Using high titanium oxide slag system which possesses short slag feature, a high titania type electrode E6013 used for all position and vertical down welding was developed by many tests.

通过大量试验 ,研制出全位置带立向下焊的高钛型药皮的E6 0 13焊条 ,采用了具有典型短渣特性的高氧化钛渣系 ,该焊条具有优异的焊接工艺性能 ,全位置及立向下焊操作性能优良。

Based on a simulation test, the welding technique of steel plate (Q235A ? δ =2mm ) using the electrode E4316 in vertical down welding was discussed.

通过模拟试验 ,对选用E4316 (J42 6 )焊条和采用向下焊工艺焊接δ2mm的Q2 35A钢板技术进行了详细的探讨 ,发现该工艺可以用于无强度要求的薄板结构的焊接 ,并首次成功地应用于撬装式工艺房壳的焊接生

In this paper, the improvement of vertical down welding in piping is introduced and the technology of mixed vertical downwards welding and co - operated vertical down welding are described .
