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equilibrium blast cupola



1)equilibrium blast cupola,平衡鼓风化铁炉2)balanced-blast cupola,均衡鼓风化铁炉3)balanced blast cupola,均衡鼓风熔铁炉4)equilibrium-blast furance,平衡送风熔铁炉5)blast furnace iron sludge,鼓风炉铁泥6)balanced draft furnace,具有引风及鼓风的平衡通风炉膛,负压炉膛


A kind of fly ash-based coagulant combining the capabilities of both physical adsorption and chemical coagulation has been prepared by adding a small amount of blast furnace iron sludge and an appropriate amount of helping solvent (HS) to fly ash in coal-fired thermal power plants and then the resulting mixture being stirred and extracted with a dilute H 2SO 4 for 2 h at 90℃.

笔者研究了在热电厂粉煤灰中加入少量的鼓风炉铁泥和适量的助溶剂HS ,在加热条件下用稀硫酸搅拌浸取 2h后 ,制得集物理吸附和化学混凝为一体的混凝剂。

A blast furnace iron sludge-based coagulant combining the capabilities of both physical adsorption and chemical coagulation has been prepared by adding a small amount of fly ash and an appropriate amount of helping solvent(HS)to blast furnace iron sludge,generated during the blast furnace gases,and then the resulting mixture being stirred and extracted with a dilute H 2SO 4 for 2.

研究在鼓风炉铁泥中加入适量的粉煤灰和助溶剂HS ,在 90℃温度下搅拌浸取 2 。