cutting property
Owing to excellent machinability and biocompatibility,mica glass-ceramics materials have good potential applications in the fields of orthopaedics and teeth prosthetics,as well as be of great interests to materials scientists and medical scientists.
Grey theory and uniform design were applied to study the relationship between the machinability and compositions of SiO_2-Al_2O_3-CaO-MgO-K_2O-F~-glass-ceramics.
The relative machinability of the titantium alloy is analyzed.
分析了钛合金的相对可切削性 ,阐述了钛合金切削加工条件 ;以钛合金车加工和孔加工为例介绍了钛合金加工刀具的设
Biological Characteristics of the Machinable Bioligic Glass-Ceramic;
The composition of machinable glass ceramics in the SiO2 Al2O3 MgO K2O B2O3 Li2O ZnO F system has been studied in order to decrease their melting temperature and to increase their strength at the same time.
This paper deals with commonly heat treatment crystallization methods and mechanism of glass ceramics,and discusses particularly heat treatment of machinable glass ceramics,including general two step heat treatment process,improved single step heat treatment process,and its microstructure and properties.
论述了微晶玻璃常用的热处理晶化方法及机理 ,并以可切削微晶玻璃为例 ,对其常用两段晶化法与改进的一段晶化法工艺及微观结构和性能进行了讨
In this work, a kind of machinable bioactive glass_ceramics, containing fluoroapatite and fluorophlogopite crystals, was prepared by adding F -, Mg 2+ to CaO-P 2O 5-SiO 2 glasses, and by controlling phase_separation in the heat_treatment processing.
用差热分析 (DTA) ,扫描电镜 (SEM) ,X射线衍射 (XRD)等对该微晶玻璃的显微结构及主晶相的种类进行了研究 ,并对材料的可切削性及强度进行了测定 。
Machinable Glass-Ceramics Made from Industrial Slags;
Based on the wear curves of tools, a longitudinal turning test method is established to judge the cutting capacity of tools and the cutability of metal materials.
Pancreatic Carcinoma:Diagnosis and Assessment of Resectability by using CT;
Correlation Research of Pancreatic Cancer CT Feature and Preoperative Resectability;
Objective To study the value of CT and MRI conducted on resectability of uncinate process carcinoma of pancreas.
- steckel mill
- sullage head
- bush,bushing
- austenite region
- fire end
- inoculant alloy
- oxyacetylene torch
- continuous strip mill
- moisture
- casting powder
- lacquerware
- continuous operation
- roller cold pilgering mill
- mixed scrap
- lapped T-joint;flanged T-joint
- pattern metal
- ampangabeite
- ground chamotte
- threee-strand continuous casting machine
- polymorphism