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resistance welder



1)resistance welder,接触焊接机2)resistance welding machine,接触焊接机3)Contact,接触4)contacting,接触5)contact problem,接触6)touch,接触7)contiguity,接触8)tangency,接触9)contact film,接触10)in contact with,接触


Check ring joint structure design in underwater skirt pile gripper based on body contact nonlinear finite element analysis;


Dynamic simulation of the contact between drill stem and well wall;


Contact Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis on the Pressing Block Tooth in Underwater Skirt Pile Gripper;


In addition, the contacting problem of plates was analyzed in this paper by using the penalty method, the contacting force of plates was derived, and the new methods for searching crateria were proposed.

利用罚函数方法 ,对板材自身接触问题进行分析 ,给出了接触板材间的接触力 ,并提出一种接触搜索判断方法 ,同时给出了算

In order to solve the contact problem of different parts of the blank, a new algorithm for contacting judgment is proposed.

对 SPF/DB加工过程中板材的动态扩散连接问题进行了分析 ,该过程属于有限元分析中粘着式接触问题 ,并提出了新的接触判断方法 ,同时采用 Mindlin壳元 ,对非对称双室盒形件的 SPF/DB过程进行了模

Non-Hertz contact problems are studied according to multi-level multi-integration,and are computed with program.

首次采用多重网格积分(MLM I)理论,对非Hertz接触问题进行了详细研究,并编写了相应的计算程序。

The contact element method and original stress method were used to analyze the elastic plastic contact problem of wheel/rail with measured surface micro roughness.

采用接触单元方法 ,结合初应力法 ,采用测量获得的表面微观粗糙度 ,对轮轨弹塑性接触问题进行了研究 ,获得了轮轨的表面接触压力分布等结果。

Stack and juxtaposion make architectures lose lots of their breathing touch surfaces.


The locations touched between the mother and the young are mainly the areas of head,etc.

母幼间接触的部位主要是头部等感官较敏感区域 ,通过各种接触是建立母幼友好、亲昵关系的主要途径。