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entry side



1)entry side,进料侧2)front side,进料侧3)roller's side,进料侧4)feed,进料5)feedstock,进料6)feeding,进料7)charge stock,进料8)charge-in,进料9)incoming charge,进料;进料费用10)sequential feeding,顺序进料


In this paper,two flows of total isomerization process are introduced,and several aspects of this process are discussed including the characters of isomerized oil,isomerization catalyst and adsorbent,the feed projects of different feedstocks,the operational conditions and so on.


A Simulation of the absorption and stabilization system for two processes, cold flow feeding and cold-heat dual-flow feeding, in the FCC unit was carried out by using HYSYS simulative software of chemical engineering process.


The cold-model experiments demonstrated two disadvantages of the traditional structure of feedstock injection-mixing zone in FCC riser, namely the particle phase backmixing and the non-uniformity of catalyst concentration in reactor catalyst-oil mixed phase.


On the basis of existing delayed coker, the facilities have been set up to introduce CGO into the feedstock system, the operation mode has been modified and the unit feedstock has been altered with CGO during the late part time of a coker drum so as to increase the outlet temperature of the furnace by 10C ~ 20C Deep thermal cracking of CGO has been realized and single-pass conversion rate.


The feeding System of the heavy oil catalytic cracking unit with a capacity of 600,000 t/a in Shengli Petrochemical Plant was modified in order to meet the requirements of atmospheric residuum processing.

为了适应加工常渣的需要 ,胜利石油化工总厂 60× 1 0 4t/a重油催化裂化装置 (RFCCU) ,对进料系统进行改造 ,采用UPC鼓泡型喷嘴和分段进料 ,改善了原料油的雾化效果 ,降低蒸汽的用量 ,改善了产品分布 ,提高汽油产率 3 。

The pressure control technology of mould cavity and program control technology of needle valve hot nozzle for sequential feeding were presented.
