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temperature of transformation



1)temperature of transformation,变态温度2)metamorphosis,变态3)abnormality,变态4)abnormal,变态5)metamorphism,变态6)abnormality reflection of the parameters,指标变态


Effects of starvation and refeeding on larval growth,survival,and metamorphosis of clam Cyclina sinensis;

饥饿和再投喂对青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)幼虫生长、存活及变态的影响

Effects of cultured Daphnia magna by different lipid sources on development and metamorphosis of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis from megalopa to juvenile crab;


Effects of algae on the growth and metamorphosis of planktonic larvae Baylonia aerolato;


It is only by completely distinguishing the abnormality of genre and only by taking the research of the blood relationship and the abnormality of sub-genre into accounts that we can make it possible for the genre of literature to be diverse.


Owing to the declining of the living condition,he,who was brought up in a rich and comfortable family,could not bear resulting in abnormality in both mentality and personality.


The sexual love pursuit in Mo Yan s novels has gone through a procss from normality to abnormality.


On the Thought of Chinese Traditional Abnormal Psychology;


The character of Cao Qi-qiao in the Golden Lock Story leaves readers the impression of being crazy and abnormal.


Her characters are abnormal and ugly.

她的小说集《爱情实验》描绘了晦暗的人生 ,塑造的人物形象大多变态、丑陋 ,加上语言的清幽冷寂 ,使她的作品蒙上了一层灰色的格调。

Failing metamorphism was observed at the 14th day because of the less frequent of water replacing,lack food and feculent water quality.

受精后14 d观察,幼虫变态失败,原因有换水量小、变态前饵料不佳、池水浑浊、池底淤泥等。

However, either higher or lower salinity resulted in longer metamorphism and lower survival.

在水温30的条件下,用8个盐度梯度(4、7、10、13、16、19、22、25)的育苗用水进行罗氏沼虾人工育苗对比试验,结果表明:在7 ̄13的盐度范围内,罗氏沼虾幼体生长发育正常,变态时间均值为181d,而过高或过低盐度明显延长变态时间,且存活率很低;用淡水孵化罗氏沼虾幼体,每天增加盐度2 ̄10,幼体的生长发育和变态与育苗盐度始终保持在10的对照组相比没有显著差异;罗氏沼虾在盐度为10的水体中孵化并发育到第期后,每天降低盐度2直到变态,幼体变态时间平均缩短2 ̄3d,且变态同步性较高。

This paper deals with the effects of water temperature(26±1℃,21±1℃,control group)on the growth and metamorphism of tadpoles of Bufo gargraiznas.

对中华蟾蜍Bufo gargarizans蝌蚪在不同水温下生长以及变态情况进行了观察,测量了不同发育时期的全长、尾长、体宽,记录了不同温度条件下各时期出现的起始时间和持续时间;比较了不同温度条件下的发育状态,发现高温可以明显加速生长,比对照组提前17天变态。

The shape characteristics are extended to some aspects,such as the extrinsic effect characteristic,the abnormality reflection of the parameters,the translation characteristic of the carrier communicationt,he fragmentation effect of the acting force,and so on.
