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martensite finish point

基本解释mf 点


1)martensite finish point,mf 点2)mf point,mf 点3)MF,MF4)methyl formate,MF5)MF RC530,MF RC5306)MF RC500,MF RC5007)MF-TDMA,MF-TDMA8)MF RC522,MF RC5229)value,Mf值10)MF-DFA,MF-DFA


Chinese Fir Wood Modification with PVA & MF Vacuum pressure Impregnating Treatment;


In this paper, performance of sheet with adding polyamide polyamine epichlorohydrin(PAE)、 melamine formaldehyde (MF) and chitosan in kenaf pulp w.


Three methods to manufacture methyl formate(MF) by methanol carbonylation, methanol dehydrogenation and direct synthesis from CO+H 2 in recent years are reviewed in the paper.

综述甲醇羰基化法、甲醇脱氢法、合成气直接合成法三种甲酸甲酯 ( MF)合成技术最近几年的开发研究情况。

Principle and Application of Contactless Reader IC MF RC530;

非接触IC卡读写模块MF RC530的工作原理及其应用

It mainly comprises Mifare card and card reader MF RC530 from PHILIPS Company as RFID IC.

该系统采用PHILIPS公司的Mifare卡与MF RC530读写卡IC作为射频识别解决方案,以89C52单片机为控制芯片。

The Mifare card reader design based on MF RC500;

基于MF RC500的Mifare射频卡读写器设计

RFID Reader Design Based on MF RC500;

基于MF RC500型的RFID读写器设计

Design of Antenna and Matching Circuit of Reader Based on MF RC500;

基于MF RC500的RFID读写器的天线及匹配电路设计

Research on Adaptability of IP Routing Protocol in MF-TDMA Satellite System;


MF-TDMA Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation System;


Research and Design of MF-TDMA Satellite Access-controller;


This paper mainly introduces the design of Radio Frequency Identification system based on MF RC522 of Philips company: Firstly, show the constitute of the system and characteristic of MF RC522.

主要介绍一种基于Philips公司的MF RC522的射频识别读写模块的设计:首先介绍系统的组成以及MF RC522的特性,接着给出天线的设计规范,最后给出MCU LPC2132与MF RC522的接口原理图和对Mifare卡操作流程。

The return series of New York oil futures market is analyzed based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis(MF-DFA) method,through which the obvious multifractal behavior has been found.


The multiracial characteristic of Shanghai stock market is studied by applying MF-DFA method to analyze the daily index returns time series.
