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setting procedure



1)setting procedure,坐封程序2)setting sequence,坐封程序3)setting,坐封4)hydraulic setting,液压坐封5)hanging setting,悬挂坐封6)set-down load,坐封载荷7)setting site,坐封位置8)setting height,坐封高度9)setting ball plug,坐封球塞10)restting,重复坐封


The pulg has characteristics of removable, setting precision, preventing block and preventing adhesion,and can build multiform plugging pipe, which can solve the problem above and reduce the venture of ash squeezing and plugging,thus saving the work time.


The success or failure of well testing operation is determined by setting situation of the slip-type packer or not.


The laws between axial set-down loads and maximum contact sealing pressure,and axial compressed displacement were studied.


By analyzing for risk and feasibility of open hole well testing, actual experiences and lessons applied in Shengli oilfield have been summarized systemically and study on mud, setting site, down hole, string structure and work system has been done, a general way and technical point has been suggested which helps to push forward this tech and increases economic benefit.


By field test,practicality data of setting height of Y211-115 packer corresponding to its setting weight has been summarized which makes its successful ratio is 100% and provides a good guarantee for incr.


To solve the problem of setting of hydraulic packers in horizontal holes,a ball-and-seat and a setting ball plug is designed for two setting technologies respectively.

针对水平井液压封隔器不能实现坐封 ,采用盲孔球座不但不能洗井 ,还会在打压过程于油管内形成气塞 ,影响坐封效果 ;采用盲孔球座和分流开关组合方式又存在水击和不能洗井的问题 ,提出了单流阀坐封球座和坐封球塞 2种水平井液压封隔器坐封工艺 ,并研究设计了单流阀球座和坐封球塞。