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output coefficient



1)output coefficient,作功系数2)work,作功3)power,作功能力4)cardiac work,心脏作功5)power stroke,作功冲程6)work done by maganetic forces,磁力作功


In this paper, the work principle of hydraulic breakers is analyzed, the results prove that the hydraulic breaker operated by combined work of gas and hydraulic is not only reasonable in structure but also has the characteristics of long piston life and high system efficiency.


A Prediction Method for Brisance and Power of Industrial Explosive;


The detonation velocity and power tested in the same condition.

采用纯超细 RDX与工业 RDX,以及以超细 RDX和工业 RDX为主体 ,采用相同配方和制备工艺制取的高分子粘结炸药对比的方式 ,在相同的实验条件下 ,对爆速、作功能力进行了测试。

Ballistic projectile method is adopted to study the power of industrial aluminiferous explosive in this paper,in order to study the detonation and formulating of industrial aluminiferous explosive and to improve the production technique,some methods about estimating and testing are proposed which accord with the trait of detonation and power of industrial aluminiferous explosiv


Objective To study the effect of hypertension in cardiac work and oxygen consump-tion of the myocardium.

目的 研究高血压对心脏作功和心肌耗氧量的影响。

Aim: To approach the effects of multi-site synchronous ventricular paci ng on myocardial mechanics and cardiac work.

目的 :探讨多点组合同步心室起搏对犬心肌收缩 /舒张力学效应和心脏作功的影响。

In this paper the auther analyses the example of work done by maganetic forces,points out the established condition of the formula A=I△Φ and obtains more general formula of work done by maganetic forces following the differential equation group round the loop.
