medicinal liquid paraffin
Summary and suggestions of traditional medicinal pteridophytes used in Jinggangshan region;
Preliminary research of medicinal bryophytes in Shanxi province;
Introduction and Cultivation of Medicinal Rhodomyrtus tomentosa(A.T.)Hassk. in Luofushan;
The Species and the Distribution of Officinal Nettles in Sichuan Province;
The edible, officinal and feeding values of the new kind of high-oil corn were summarized and the developing prospect of the corn was looked forward.
综述了新型玉米品种———高油玉米的食用价值、药用价值和饲用价值 ,并对其发展前景进行了展
We recorded twenty-eight species of officinal lichen,which belonged to 11 genera and 6 families,and among which thirteen species was novel to Shandong province.
Survey of the Plant Resourcese of Eatable and Medical in Qinshui Shanxi;
Based on investigation of Honghuaerji Nature Reserve wild fungus resources,the authors reported and evaluated,only parts of their edible and medical value of fungus.
Application of biotechnology to exploitation and preservation of medicinal fungi;
The study on medicinal fungi fermentation substance to regulate endogenous hormone secretion and immunity in broiler chicken;
A revised checklist of medicinal fungi in China;
The elementary study on utilizing officinal fungus degrading residue of radix puerariae to produce active dietary fiber;
The modification of residue of Radix puerariae by officinal fungus was studied.
A direct method is reported for the determination of Ca,Mg,Fe,Zn,Cu,Mn,Se and Cr in rare officinal fungus of Wolfiporia cocos,Phellinus igniarius and Inonotus obliquus by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES).
Mengkuan Village is rich in the resources of wild medicinal herbs.
通过对处于高黎贡山自然保护区保山段的芒宽乡进行定点调查和民间访谈 ,对芒宽乡的民间常用野生植物种类进行调查、整理 ,根据调查结果 ,对芒宽乡的野生药用植物资源情况进行初步分析 ,并提出了合理开发和利用的建议。
There are more than 500 medicinal herbs in Gaogui Mountain.
高贵山有药用植物 5 0 0余种 ,但由于缺乏严格的保护措施 ,致使部分药材资源因盲目采挖而濒临灭绝 ,而大量的药用植物资源却并未得到很好的利用 。
Bacteriostasis experiment and MIC determination of six microorganisms observed in such six decoct medicinal solutions of herbs like Sophora flavescens,Cnidium monnieri,Coptis chinensis,Artemisia apiacea,Pulsatilla chinensis and Allium sativum were carried out by using test tubes filled with decoct medicinal herbs.
采用试管药基方法,进行了苦参、蛇床子、黄连、青蒿、白头翁、大蒜等6 种药用植物水提液对大肠杆菌、产黄青霉等6 种微生物的抑菌试验和最低抑菌浓度的测定,发现这6 种药用植物水提液对G+ 和G- 细菌以及真菌均有抑制能力。
Objective: through the improvement of old medically used water system,the quality of the water was enhanced and the cost of preparing the water was decreased.
- stack mounting
- foremost
- drilling speed
- finite decimal
- pursuance
- midrib
- snubbing cementing
- unanimous resolution
- hysteresis coefficient
- fucosite
- FAST plot
- mill scale
- preheat train of distillation unit
- maximum recording thermometer
- dysoxidation
- core axis
- Strategic Missile
- site area
- servo-lubrication
- DC receiver