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ferrometric method



1)ferrometric method,亚铁量法2)ferrometry,亚铁量法(滴定法)3)ferrous,亚铁4)Ferrous iron,亚铁5)Fe 2+,亚铁6)ferrous ferrocyanide,氰亚铁化亚铁


0) buffer solution under ultrasonic condition and the chromatogenic reaction occurred from the complexation of released ferrous ions with 1,10-phenanthroline in the present of EDTA which effectively restrain the photoreduction effect of Fe(Ⅲ).


The behavior and control of cobalt in formation of Co-ferrite by oxidation-hydrolysis of aqueous ferrous solution were investigated.

研究了硫酸亚铁溶液经空气氧化水解生成铁酸盐的过程 ,以及此过程中钴的行为与控制。

This study explored the effects of the kinds of ferrous salts,hydrolysis time,co-incubation time,mass ratio,reaction pH and temperature on the chelating activity of casein hydrolysate with ferrous salt,in order to prepare some basic data for preparation of a product rich in bio-iron.


A rapid and simple determination of ferrous iron in reduced ilmenite was described.


The test of air flows impact on the quick oxidization of Fe 2++ by Bacteria is carried out in at urainum mine with the self made bio reactor and ferrous oxide thiobacilli collected and domesticated by ourselves.

用自制的生物反应器和自行采集 ,驯化的氧化亚铁硫杆菌 ,在地浸矿山进行通气量对细菌快速氧化亚铁的影响试验 ,试验结果表明 :对特定的生物反应器 ,其它条件不变时 ,在某一溶液流量范围的每一流量都有与之对应的最佳通气量。

The tests about the effects of flux of solution on bacteria oxidizing Fe 2++ quickly in in situ leaching of uranium have been completed at uranium mine.

用自制的生物反应器和自行采集驯化的氧化亚铁硫杆菌 ,在地浸矿山进行了流量对细菌快速氧化 Fe2 +的影响试验 ,得到了溶液流量不同时反应器中电位及 Fe2 + 随时间的变化关系。