vortex field
The flow field in S_1 flow face of cascade was tested by using the particle image velocity (PIV) technology, velocity field and vortex field inside cascade were obtained.
The fields of geopotential height,anomalous change of high-level jet-stream,helicity,divergence and stratification conditions as the circulation dynamical structure in course of the sand-dust storm occurrence in southern Xinjiang in spring of 2003 are analyzed based on observed data and T213 data.
Building of the operation rules of curl and divergence for vector field in R 3 space;
Analysing by mathematics and the concepts of flux and curl , we can get the differential form of gauss s theorems in electrostatic field and ampere s cycle theorem in electrostatic field.
The results of divergence and curl calculation on the electric field intensity variable and magnetic induction variable of the motional electromagnetic field have shown that almost all the classical Maxwell s equations of time-varying electromagnetics theory can be deduced from the Maxwell s equations of moving electromagnetic field in some special conditions.
对运动电磁场的电场强度变量和磁感应强度变量做旋度及散度运算分析 ,表明除电位移变量项与经典Maxwell方程组的正负号不同外 ,大多数时变电磁场理论下的Maxwell方程都可以在一定条件下从运动电磁场的Maxwell方程组中导出。
This paper points out the defect of the origin of the term "rotation" in field theory and suggests an improvment.
The paper gives a proof for the fundamental theorem of algebra from the theorem of rotation of continuos field in R~2.
According to the definitions of grads, divergence and rotation, the expression in spherical coordinate system is given from the point of physics.
The relevant relationship between them and gradient,divergence,curl of three coordinate place is pointed out.
对微分的外乘积、外微分形式做了初步的介绍 ,运用它同三维空间的梯度、旋度、散度相对应。
Objective:To explore the relation between specific rotation and purity of sorbitol.
目的 :探讨山梨醇的比旋度与纯度的关系。
Based on their distinctive optical properties, a method of determining the specific rotation was set up to distinguish these two kinds of chemical materials in the standard for detection of levogyrate preparati.
二者的差别在于盐酸噻咪唑为外消旋体 ,盐酸左旋咪唑为左旋体 ,通过利用两种物质的光学特性 ,在盐酸左旋咪唑制剂的检测标准中设立比旋度测定方法 ,从而将两种不同的物质加以区
- pursuance
- preheat train of distillation unit
- core axis
- maximum recording thermometer
- stack mounting
- snubbing cementing
- Strategic Missile
- unanimous resolution
- drilling speed
- servo-lubrication
- site area
- hysteresis coefficient
- finite decimal
- foremost
- mill scale
- fucosite
- FAST plot
- DC receiver
- midrib
- dysoxidation